Kisses - DreamNap

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Duo/trio/ship: DreamNap

Genre: fluff

Plot: Just Dream and Sapnap giving each other some love <3

Trigger warnings: none

AU: none

Dream and Sapnap were currently in bed cuddling, Dream laying with his head on the other's chest and his arms around his waist, and Sapnap with his arm around Dream's back and looking at his phone. Sapnap leaned down and pressed a kiss on the top of Dream's head, rubbing his back. Dream smiled and hugged him tighter.

Dream crawled up and lightly kissed Sapnap, the kiss quickly being reciprocated. They both pulled away and looked at each other, smiling. Dream pecked his lips once again before trailing from his lips to his cheek, forehead, a small kiss on the tip of his nose, and the other cheek. He moved down to his neck, then shoulders. His neck was really sensitive, so it tickled, causing him to laugh.

"What are you doing?" He giggled.

"I don't know. I just really love you right now," He smiled lovingly. He went back to kissing his shoulders and neck before moving down to his chest. Then his stomach, but then he stopped. "May I?" He asked. Sapnap was confused as he didn't know what he was asking, but he trusted him, so he said yes.

"Uhm sure?" He agreed. He nodded and continued to kiss his stomach before grabbing the bottom of his shirt and lifting it up. He began to kiss the bear skin and gently rub his waist.

Normally, this would tickle, but Dream was being so gentle and slow that he could barely feel anything but the love that was being kissed onto his body.

He knew that Sapnap used to be very insecure about his body in his teenage years, but he helped him understand that he was perfect the way he was, and that he didn't need changing. Now his insecurities have basically perished, and he has no problem with his body whatsoever. Even though they're gone, Dream still gives him all of the love in the world. He always makes sure he knows just how handsome he is, and how perfect every part of him is. He always tells him how pretty he looks, how kind and wonderful he is, and he basically can't find or see any flaw in him at all.

"You're so pretty," He said in-between kisses, causing Sapnap to smile and blush.

"Thank you..." He said, looking away flustered.

"So fucking perfect," He commented again.

"Yeah, I wish I could say the same for you," He teased, giggling. Dream's eyes widened and he let out an audible gasp before going back down and kissing faster and tickling him. Sapnap began screaming and laughing, bringing tears to his eyes. Eventually Dream stopped and watched the other try to catch his breath while wiping his tears

"You wanna say that again?" He joked

"Nope. But I will say you're the most gorgeous boy I've ever met, and I love you with all my heart," He placed his hand on the other's cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, smiling.

"Okay that was uncalled for," He blushed.

"But it was true," He said before placing a gentle kiss on his lips once again. He pulled away and looked him in the eyes, "I love you so fucking much," He said.

"I love you too," He smiled.

565 words

Awe how cute <3333

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