I Hate You - Dreamnap

393 4 16

Ship/duo/trio: dreamnap

Genre: Angst angst angst so much angst

Plot/summary: Dream doesn't love Sapnap back.

Trigger warnings: slight mentions of abandonment

AUs: none

I was literally listening to 'Jacob and the Stone' and it got me in a mood.

"I hate you." Sapnap spat.

"I know." Dream weakly said. He wanted to cry.

"I hate you for making me love you, and breaking my heart afterwards."

"I know."

"I hate you so fucking much."

"I know..."

"I hate that I have to love you like this."

"I know..."

"I want to leave."


"I want to leave. I want to move out. Go back home. I want to go back to Houston, where you can't hurt me."


"I want you to hurt the way I'm hurting."

"... if that's what you think is best. I don't want to stop you, and hurt you more than I already have." Dream was holding back so many tears and cries.

"But I won't. I'm not cruel. I'm not cruel like everyone else. I won't leave you. Not when you've been left so many times before."

Dream sobbed. He let out little cries but tried to hide them. Sapnap leaned over and hugged him, despite his anger, and heartbreak.

"I'm not a monster. I hate you, but I still care about you. I still love you."

"I just want to love you. I want to prove that I'm not some heartless monster who just wants to hurt you." Dream cried.

"You aren't. Don't ever fucking say that about yourself. It's not your fault you don't love me. I'm just trying to deal with that heartbreak, but I'm obviously not doing to well with that."

"I made you hate me..."

"You did. And I still do. But I love you as well. One of those feelings will die down before the other."

"I want to try..."

"Try what?"

"Us. I'm willing to see where we'll go if you are."

"I am to. But not when I hate you like this. That's not fair to you. We can talk about this in a few weeks when I hate you less."

"I hate that you act like you'll never stop hating me." Dream sobbed as Sapnap rubbed his back, letting a few of his own tears fall.

"I know."

386 words

Felt like breaking some hearts😌

I am in a MOOD

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