Just Feel the Feeling - DreamNotNap

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Duo/trio/ship: DreamNotNap

Genre: hurt - comfort

Plot: whenever Dream is struggling mentally/emotionally, he tends to overwork himself. Doing a bunch of cleaning, editing and recording, Twitter spaces, maybe find a new hyperfixation, anything to keep himself occupied. If he doesn't have time to think about his mental health, then it won't affect him, right? So what happens when George and Sapnap notice him doing this?

Trigger warnings: none

AU: none

Day 1

"Dude, there was like- one plate in the sink," Sapnap said.

"Yeah. You really didn't have to do that- like thank you, holy shit, don't get me wrong, it's great, I'm just confused as to what inclined you to do that," George said, extremely confused more than anything.

"I don't know. I just woke up, saw the kitchen could use some work, and cleaned it," He answered.

"I mean, George, he did do all of that cleaning shirtless, you gotta give him that," Sapnap pointed out.

"Oh yeah, thank you for the show," He said, looking at the man only wearing Grey sweatpants, "but one dish? That's your definition of "could use some work"?" He asked. Dream just shrugged and walked off, leaving the two very confused.

"One plate? C'mon man." Sapnap mumbled to himself as he walked over to the couch and sat down. "Gotta start leaving one plate in every room," He giggled. He somewhat brushed off the intense cleaning that just took place, but George? Not so much.

"Do you think something might be wrong?" George asked as he looked to the other and picked his nails.

"I'm not entirely sure yet. He only cleaned the kitchen-"

"So far." George said.

"I was going to say that, calm down. But yeah I'm not really sure yet. If something is wrong, we usually never get him to crack until like- the third day," He said.

"But if something is wrong, I don't want him to overwork himself like last time," He said as he walked over and sat down.

"Oh yeah, last time was rough," He recalled.

"His car still smells new from last time," George chuckled, "but seriously, what if something is wrong?" He asked.

"Then we'll be there for him," He said.

"I'd love to, but he never let's us," He argued.

"No, he never lets himself give us reason to be there for him," He calmly answered.

"Then what do we do?" He asked.

"Try our best to keep him from overworking himself until he has to feel the feelings," He said.

"M'kay," He said.

Day/night 2

"Baby, it's so fucking late. Just come to bed," Sapnap whined as he wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders. Dream had occupied himself with editing for the past three hours, and refused to stop.

"You can go ahead. I'll join you guys in a bit," He said.

"You need some sleep. Just come to bed. Just for a bit. Please," He begged.

"I'm sorry, I just- can't," He said.

"Okay, fine, Just- make sure you get some sleep. Don't overwork yourself," He said before walking off. He walked into his bedroom and laid down next to George.

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