(Vulnerable)Little Puppy Boy - Dreamnap

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Ship/duo/trio: Dreamnap

Genre: fluff

Plot: Dream and Sapnap, again, just loving each other. Heavily influenced by the knowledge that Sapnap likes head and back scratches. (It's based off of it)

Trigger warnings: none

AU: none


Sapnap was currently editing a video for his "SapnapLIVE" channel when Dream walked in. Sapnap heard the door open and close and turned around in his chair. "Hey baby," Dream smiled.

"Hi, love," Sapnap smiled back as Dream bent down and pressed a light kiss on his head, placing a hand in his hair. "What's up?" Sapnap asked as Dream lightly scratched his scalp.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to take a break and maybe watch a show with me," Dream said, continuing to gently guide his nails on the other's scalp.

"I could be inclined to," Sapnap said as he leaned into the touch.

"Okay, let's go," Dream smiled as he stood up and walked toward the door. Sapnap lightly pouted at the loss of the soothing touch, but stood up and followed close behind. When they sat down, Sapnap let Dream pick what show they watched. When he found something, Sapnap immediately cuddled close to him. Dream lightly chuckled at how close Sapnap was rubbing into him, and wrapped an arm around him. As the episode progressed, they ended up with Sapnap's head in Dream's lap, and Dream once again scratching his scalp. After maybe ten minutes or so, Dream subconsciously stopped the scratching, making Sapnap whine. He moved his head up into Dream's hand, and when Dream realized what he was asking for, he giggled as he returned to scratching muttering a little "such a dog,".

"What?" Sapnap asked.

"Dog. You act a lot like a dog in the sense that you like being scratched," Dream replied honestly.

"Oh please I'm not a dog," Sapnap scoffed.

"Yeah you're right. Just a little puppy boy." Dream smiled.

"Oh my god," Sapnap rolled his eyes.

"What, you don't wanna be my little puppy boy?" Dream teased.

"Not exactly," Sapnap giggled.

"But you want to be treated like one?" Dream asked.

"Okay you make it sound weird," Sapnap scoffed.

"You're right, I'm sorry," Dream chuckled as he again, accidentally stopped the scratching.

"Okay don't stop though!" Sapnap whined.

"Oh! My bad," Dream giggled as he returned to rubbing his scalp. Although he likes to tease Sapnap for his "puppy like behavior", he also enjoys running his nails gently along his skin. It gives him an extra sense of closeness. He loves to make Sapnap feel good, and at peace. And it's adorable to hear the little noise of contentment he lets out when he really starts to relax.

As Dream felt himself getting lost in thought, he realized Sapnap was moving around. Before he knew it, there were soft lips being pressed against his own. He smiled against the other's lips, and pressed forward into him. He felt Sapnap lightly tug on his wrist, and immediately brought his hand back up into his hair. He continued to play with the soft hair as they kissed, muttering little words to each other.

"You're extra needy today," Dream giggled as Sapnap kissed his neck.

"You're extra fun to kiss today," Sapnap replied, moving back up to Dream's lips right after.

"Glad to be of service," Dream smiled as he continued to give and receive soft little kisses. Sapnap continued to kiss all over Dream's face and neck. They rubbed against each other as he did so, but none of their movements were driven by lust. Nothing about this was motivated by any sexual desires. It was all driven by love, and the need to be close to one another. Dream left his hand in Sapnap's hair, and one of Sapnap's hands found its way onto Dream's cheek, again just for gentle guidance to be closer. Their free hands found each other, and linked. They squeezed each other's hands, a quick reassurance that they were infact here, together, enjoying this moment, in the same room, same house, same street, same city, same country, same continent, same earth, same galaxy, same universe. Out of everyone they could have ended up with, they managed to find each other. They got to share every aspect of their lives with each other. Good and bad. They got to cheer each other on for the good, and be there for, and support each other with the bad. All they wanted was to melt together and become one.

They smiled and giggled together as they kissed. Never once letting go of each other. They pulled away for a moment. They took each other in. They looked at the person in front of them. This is who they are going to spend the rest of their life with. This is who they are giving their heart to. This is who has, and will continue to see them in their most vulnerable points in time. And they were ecstatic. They had trusted each other for so long, and are only trusting each other more and more. If they were "stuck" with each other, they are more than overjoyed.

"You're still a little puppy boy," Dream softly whispered, feeling oh so vulnerable in the safest way possible.

"Then at least I'm yours," Sapnap smiled back in a whisper, allowing himself to grow vulnerable as well. Vulnerability was the norm for them. Not in the sense that they were fragile, and extra sensitive to things, but in the sense that they allowed each other to see parts of themselves that no one else knows exist. They have seen every part of each other, in all kinds of ways. And they will continue to discover more. Together.

Sapnap raised the hand that was holding Dream's, and kissed it. He kissed each individual knuckle, and then moved right back to his lips. But this kiss was very soft. Barely even a kiss. A brush of the lips at best.

"I Love you. So, so much," Sapnap promised as he pressed his forehead to Dream's, emphasizing each and every word, meaning every single one of them. He saw tears welling up in Dream's eyes, but it never concerned him. He knew that they were positive.

"I love you too," Dream said as he let his hand fall from Sapnap's hair, to his cheek. This time Sapnap didn't protest. He couldn't care less about getting head scratches, he just cared about loving the other. "More than anything."

1084 words

This was NOT meant to get this emotional yall. I just ended up turning it emotional because I like to do that to you guys 😌

No like I genuinely almost cried for some reason💀

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