Bad Day - Dreamnotfound

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Ship/duo/trio: Dnf (I deprive you guys of dnf so much, I'm sry T~T)

Genre: hurt - comfort, fluff

Plot/summary: Sometimes feeling safe and cared for is all it takes to tip you over the edge.

Trigger warnings: mentions of vomit, and injuries.

AUs: none

Dream has had a bad day. He already woke up feeling unnecessarily anxious, which happens to him sometimes, and the events that occured throughout the day only made it worse. It started off with him breaking a cup, and cutting his hand, then he accidentally deleted a really important file, which he was able to restore, but the initial panic had already set in, and added on to his worsening day. As he continued to work, he just so happened to randomly get really overstimulated. Stupid ADHD. He got a really bad migraine a few hours after that. The kind of migraine that makes you want to cry and wonder if that's how you'll feel for the rest of your life. He threw up multiple times due to the pain and nausea it caused him, and he hates throwing up. Other minor inconveniences occured, but he managed to brush those off. And finally, he was alone for the entire day. George and Sapnap had errands to run, and had left at around 8 that morning. And realistically speaking, they wouldn't be back till the evening. And although he likes that they are getting out of the house, and spending time together, he doesn't like being alone. Especially when his day ends up like this shit show.

So when his migraine had finally settled down (after a three hour nap), he found himself in the living room with Patches on his lap, watching some random show. His throat still felt raw from vomiting, but he felt okay otherwise. Soon he heard the sound of their front door unlocking, and he immediately sprung up. Well, he stood up as fast as you can when you're recovering from a migraine. He greeted them at the door, and immediately threw his arms around both of them.

"Hi!" Sapnap giggled wrapping an arm around him.

"Hey," George also laughed, lazily wrapping his arm around him as well.

"Missed you," Dream mumbled into their shoulders.

"Awe, we missed you too," Sapnap smiled, patting his back a few times.

"You seem tired, do you wanna go take a nap?" George suggested. Dream just hugged them both tighter, indicating that he didn't want to be alone right now. "Don't worry, I'll join you in a minute, but you should go get some rest," George said.

"Okay," Dream muttered, squeezing them one last time before pulling away and going upstairs. George and Sapnap both walked into the kitchen, getting drinks of water.

"You think he's okay?" Sapnap asked.

"Hm?" George hummed, turning his attention to the boy filling his glass with water.

"Clay. Do you think he's okay? He's usually not that clingy. I mean I get it with you, you're his damn boyfriend, but me? He's not like that with me." Sapnap explained.

"Oh. Yeah, that's why I told him to take a nap. I just wanted an opportunity to talk with him," George answered.

"Ohhhh. Smart. Tell me how it goes, okay?" Sapnap said as he took a sip of his water.

"You betcha," George said as he took one more swig of his water before quickly leaving to go check up on Dream. He approached Dream's door, and slowly opened it. When he walked in, he was greeted with the sight of his boyfriend laying in bed, scrolling through tiktok. "Hey baby," George gently spoke as he closed the door behind him.

"Hi," Dream quietly said, trying not to irritate his throat any further. He put his phone down on his bedside table, and watched as George walked over and sat on the edge of his bed right next to him.

"How was your day?" George asked. "With the house all to yourself, I imagine you had fun. Did you eat my gummies again?" George giggled. Dream chuckled at the last part.

"No, I didn't. My day was fine," Dream said.

"Fine? Why just fine?" George asked.

"I don't know. A lot of things." Dream said.

"So was it fine, or was it bad?" George asked.

"...bad." Dream admitted.

"May I ask why?" George asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I don't know. Just woke up feeling really anxious this morning, and shit was happening that wasn't really helping," Dream answered.

"Oh I'm sorry," George sympathetically said,  before looking down at Dream's hand. He noticed the white bandage tape wrapped around his left hand, and immediately felt worry soaking into his chest. "What happened?!" George questioned, probably a bit too intense for Dream's liking.

"It's nothing. I just cut my hand on some broken glass, I'm fine now," Dream calmly explained.

"Broken glass?! Baby, are you okay?" George exclaimed.

"Yes. I just dropped a cup this morning. I'm seriously okay now," Dream assured.

"Okay... and why are you talking like that?" George asked.

"Like what?" Dream replied, confused as to what he was talking about.

"Like- super soft. Like it sounds like you have a sore throat or something," George pointed out.

"Oh. Yeah I threw up a few times earlier," Dream said.

"Threw up- Are you sick?" George asked in disbelief.

"Nope. Just got a really bad migraine," Dream answered.

"Oh my god you can not get a break today, can you?" George giggled.

"Guess not," Dream joined in. "Now come here, I need cuddles," Dream pouted.

"No shit," George laughed, climbing under the covers next to Dream, and inviting him to lay his head on his chest. Dream happily complied, rolling over so he could be held by George, and listen to his heartbeat. And fuck did it feel safe. He let himself be squeezed and held, kissed and assured, and he felt so loved and cared for. Something he hadn't felt all day. George's arms felt so secure around him, and he couldn't help but tear up at it.

Dream let out a relieved exhale, letting his muscles loosen, and eyelids grow heavy. He squeezed George, wanting to feel closer. Needing to feel closer. "Fuck, I didn't realize how much I needed this," Dream awed, closing his eyes and taking in the sound of George's heartbeat.

"Yeah. Today's been so hard for you, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you during it," George apologized as he moved a hand up to Dream's hair, gently scratching his scalp.

"It's okay," Dream smiled, "I'm just glad you're here now." He said as he looked up at George with a sad smile on his face. George could see the tears in his eyes. He could see how hard he was trying not too cry, and it broke his heart to see.

"You want to cry," George said with a sympathetic frown on his face. "I can tell." Just hearing someone acknowledge that fact made a tear force itself out. "Oh honey," George faltered, his heart shattering at the sight of him still trying to hold everything back, when all he wants to do is let it all out. "You can let it out. I'm here, love," George promised. And Dream let it out. He let it all out. He let out the pain from his migraine, the overwhelming feeling of the overstimulated he experienced just hours before right now, let out the stinging from getting a cut on his hand, the fear from almost losing that file, and the loneliness he felt through all of it. And it felt safe. It felt safe to release all that tension, especially when the love of his life was holding him through it, whispering comforting words to him.

Sometimes bad days happen, but it's only a day of misfortune.

1310 words

I'm having KFC for dinner and you're not, I'm better 😝

Jk I love, and appreciate all of you guys, and everything that you've done for me <333

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