Unprepared, but so Ready - Sapnotfound

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Ship/duo/trio: platonic snf

Genre: LOTSA angst, and much hurt - comfort.

Plot: George feels really depressed. He has been waiting for his visa to get approved for so long, and everytime he gets an update, it's always "just a few more weeks!" But weeks end up being months. He's exhausted. So tired of getting his hopes up only for them to be crushed once again. He has genuinely considered marrying Dream just to get a green card. All he wanted was to be with his friends. He has been waiting for almost 10 years. No one should have to wait that long just to meet someone you met in a stupid game. So when he reaches out for help, he didn't think Sapnap was serious about paying him a visit.

Trigger warnings: Description of depression, overthinking, implications and mentions of self harm, and mentions of suicide.

AU(s): none

George has been struggling for quite some time now. Every single update he's gotten for the past 6 months have been "should be just a few more weeks! We'll get back to you as soon as we can," and they never do. And if they do, again, "just a few more weeks!" And it is aggravating. He gets so pissed everytime he reads an update, and he wants to scream or throw his phone across the room, all while holding back saddened tears.

He wanted help. Needed help. He knew there was a good chance he suffered from depression. He's had multiple doctors tell him to check out certain psychologists or specialists, or ask him about his medical history, specifically in the mental/emotional department. Looking back at certain habits and behaviors of his, like skipping classes or not caring where his future leads, laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling while he drowns himself in self deprecation, it was undoubtedly possible that he had depression. He just never cared to actually get diagnosed. But right now, he absolutely needed help. He needed to reach out because where his mental health is right now? It honestly scares him. It terrifies him, how his brain has been functioning lately. No human should ever have to think, or feel the way he is.

So one day, when he is on a call with his friends, Dream and Sapnap, he finally decides to ask for help.

"I think there's something wrong with me," George states bluntly.

"Yeah, your stupidity," Sapnap chuckled.

"No seriously. I think I'm like- depressed or something," George said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Dream asked, getting rather concerned.

"I mean I like- I don't do anything. I can't bring myself to do anything. I barely have any motivation to get out of bed, I can barely bring myself to eat! And it's not cause I don't want to, it's because I can't bring myself to do anything remotely productive other than talking to you guys. I like- I feel horrible. My house feels so- empty. It's somehow clean, but that's because I can't even bring myself to make a mess of it! If I'm not talking to you guys, I'm laying in my bed just- thinking. And not good thinking either. I want to cry so bad but I'm too tired to let myself. If I'm not with you guys, I'm just- numb. I either feel disgustingly sad, or nothing. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I feel so bad for not being able to post videos, or even tweet something, but I physically can't make myself. It's like every part of me wants to be productive, but the one thing stopping me is my body. I just-... I want to be with you guys. I feel so like, lonely. Like the only thing keeping me somewhat functioning is knowing I can talk to you guys. I-is that weird? The fact that the only thing keeping me going right now, is you guys?" George ranted. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes, and this time a let a few fall. Both Dream and Sapnap's hearts broke after hearing everything he's been going through. They have also been dealing with the devastation and disappointment of not being able to see him, but nowhere near to the extent he has been.

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