serious talk

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So I'm sure a LOT of you have seen everything going on with George and the allegations. These allegations are very serious, and should not be taken lightly. When I found out what happened, I felt physically sick. I literally threw up. So as of right now, I'm taking a HARD break from writing, and will be very inactive until updates are given, and action is taken.

For anyone who doesn't know what's going on, to put it simply, another content creator, caitibugzz, opened up and spoke out about her experience with George. According to what she said, George provided her with/encouraged her to have alcohol, then proceeded to SA her. SA is NOT a joke, and should be taken VERY seriously.

As of right now, I don't have huge opinions on this other than feeling shocked and physically ill. As someone who has experienced SA on multiple occasions, I understand the permanent affects it can have on someone, and would never wish it upon my worst enemy. I want everyone to know that I have always tried, and will continue to try to be a safe space for anyone and everyone. However, this book is being discontinued until further notice. I will wait until George gives his statement before I speak up again, but I just wanted to get this out there so you guys know that I am here for all of you, and want the best for everyone.

In the mean time, I recommend checking out my profile and looking at convos where i talk more in depth about my experience with everything, give advice to anyone who may be having a hard time coping, and also provide CCs that I personally enjoy, and think you guys will like.

I love you guys, it has been a great run, and I hope you'll stick with me as we enter a new chapter (pun intended).

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