Selfish - DreamNotNap

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Ship/duo/trio: DreamNotNap/Dnn

Genre: Angst (LOTS of it) but we get fluffy at the end :)

Plot: Sapnap and George have been having what seems to he an ongoing fight while Dream is out of town. They both have been very stressed lately, and that just causes them to be more irritable with each other. Although neither of them feel genuine disliking or hatred to one another, George said something that really stuck with Sapnap, and it's been eating him alive for the past week. So what happens when you have a stressed and irritated George, an insecure and distant Sapnap, and a clueless Dream all in the same house? They found out the hard way.

Au: none

Trigger warnings: mentions of arguments and smaller fights, insecurity/thoughts of worthlessness, panic attacks, running away(?)

I'm sorry guys I literally cannot stop writing hurt - comfort 😭 But you will be getting a LOT more angst than hurt - comfort this time. Yw😌

Also I'm sorry guys but I'm making George a bit of a meanie in this one :( but it's okay he has a redemption arc

The two had been fighting for 5 minutes now, screaming random insults they didn't mean. They weren't even sure what it was about anymore.

"My god Nick, how can you be so selfish right now?!" George yelled. Sapnap felt his heart sink to his stomach, and a wave of he doesn't even know what washed over him.

"What?.." He painfully asked, cursing at himself for letting his voice sound so sad.

"Selfish! You're being so fucking selfish right now!" George continued.

"I-" Sapnap was practically rendered speachless. He had no idea what to say to that. He had no idea why that hurt so much either. George had called him that before. Obviously all those times were jokes, but it never effected him. He never even thought about it. But now, it's the only thing going through is head. "George, I'm s-"

Am I really that selfish?

Before he could even think, his mouth was open and he was speaking.

"You are a fucking asshole, and I don't know why I tried to work this out with you," He growled before storming off.

That was a week ago. A week ago and he still can't get over it. Was he actually selfish? No. He has been doing everything in his power not to be ever since he can remember. The one thing he hated is being called selfish. Yet he still can't help the fact that he thinks it's true.

Sapnap was in his chair, editing a new video he recently recorded. He has been doing his best to hold back his tears for the past two days. He didn't want to cry over a pathetic argument they had days ago. There has been a bunch of shit going on in his life right now. He and George were fighting, he is overwhelmed with work and planning events, and Dream was away so he couldn't get comfort for any of it.

Sapnap felt that his throat was kind of dry, so he decided to go out and grab some water. He stood up from his seat and walked to the door, hesitantly, but surely opening it. As he walked into the kitchen, he could hear George watching TV in the living room. Once his glass was filled, he was practically praying that George wouldn't acknowledge him. He couldn't handle seeing the look of disgust in his eyes.

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