Too Late Pt 2 - DreamNotfound

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Ship/duo/trio: (platonic) dnf


Plot: things get so much worse before they get better.

Trigger warnings: self harm, panic attack, eating disorders, blood, talk of death and implied suicide.

AUs: none

Dream sighed as he walked away from the door. He knew that was probably harsh, but Sapnap really needs a reality check. He has been treating George like an animal recently, he needs to learn to stop. Although he wants to protect George, this decision is initially up to him. He can't make big decisions for him, so he decided to go and ask George want he wanted.

"George?" Dream asked as he knocked on the door. Nothing. "George?" He repeated, a bit louder. Still nothing. Even if he was asleep, George would let out a little groan. But it was dead silent in there. No typing, no movement, nothing. Except the sound of something very small falling. It sounded like... metal? Then he heard another sound. A louder sound. It was a body. Falling. "George!" Dream exclaimed.

He had to get in there. He tried the door handle, nothing. He locked himself in. There was no way to pick the lock, and a credit card wouldn't work... He had to break the door down. He knew mindlessly throwing his shoulder against the door wouldn't work. This isn't his first time breaking down a door, the man has lived. He had to get in, and fast. How can he get in? Fuck! He can't- oh wait. George has a weak door hinge. Without even thinking, Dream began to kick the door right near the hinges. It was working. He didn't care about the chipping paint or the way the hinges were weakening even more, George's life could be on the line.

That thought filled Dream with a new kind of rage. One he didn't even know someone could feel. George was not dying. No matter what. The last kick, the one filled with rage, took the door off its hinges with ease. He kicked so hard the door flew a couple feet.

George wasn't in there. Or- he was. Dream looked to the door that led to his bathroom, and prayed it wasn't locked as well. He was lucky. He opened the door and- oh my god. Oh. My. God.

Dream froze. There sat his best friend, blood covering his arms, drops from the cuts scattered around him. Tears were streaming down his face as he looked down at himself in shock and terror. It was obvious that George regretted this. He felt shame at himself and Dream could tell. Dream looked down and saw a little bit of blood coming from his knees. He knew that fall sounded louder that normal.

"George!" Dream yelled as he ran toward him, crouching down immediately to get to him.

"Clay-" George sobbed. His hands shook as he heaved, looking at Dream with horror and shame. "I- I don't know why i- fuck- I'm sorry! I can't- why-" George was frantic, babbling out random words and the occasional apology.

"Hey, hey! It's okay! I'm not mad," Drean tried to reassure, but it fell on deaf ears.

"I've never- I don't know why I did this! I just- needed- I miss h- why- Clay- help!-"

"George!" Dream raised his voice. No anger, just worry and the need to get his attention.

"W-what?" George looked up at him. He seemed to finally actually comprehend his presence.

"George, I'm not mad at you," Dream said. It was quiet, hushed and calm. Well, to George it was. To anyone else who wasn't as frantic and scared, they would be able to hear the panic and uncertainty from a mile away. "Let's..." Dream seemed to take a moment to think. He has never been in this situation before, how can he possibly help? "Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" He said. George just weakly nodded and let Dream help him up. It should never be this easy to pick up a grown man who's 5"9 and used to work out relatively consistently. But heartbreak can do that to you.

Dream managed to get George sitting on the counter top, and began to clean the wounds. First, he ran lukewarm water over George's arms, just trying to get all of the excess off. Next, he grabbed a large cloth and pressed it to the wounds. "What are you doing?" George asked.

"Stopping the bleeding. It's difficult to clean up if you're still bleeding everywhere," Dream explained. Although that was true, the main concern was the fact that George could bleed out. Though, telling him that probably wasn't the best idea right now. Not when he's this scared. Once he managed to stop the bleeding on both arms, he moved onto the next step. He ran room temperature water over a cloth, and gently wiped away the dry blood and carefully ran it over the wounds. George winced a few times and Dream felt a pained twist in his chest everytime. He took a moment and wondered if he should use rubbing alcohol on such delicate wounds. He really didn't want to risk any infections, but some wounds need different treatments.

Then he remembered a conversation he had with his mom about a certain patient she had.

"Why didn't you just put rubbing alcohol on it?"

"Oh you do not want to do that with cuts."


"It damages the tissue, and honestly slows the healing process."

"So what did you do then?"

"We used saline. Saline is way better for open wounds and cuts. But obviously no one just has saline laying around so if we were like- I dunno at home and your sister accidentally cut herself when she was cooking, I would just use soapy water. Not a lot of soap though. Just a bit."

Immediately, Dream grabbed their hand soap. He put maybe half a pump of it onto the cloth and rubbed it in. George seemed to be anxious about it hurting, so Dream offered him his hand to hold in case the pain was too much. George gladly took it and squeezed. As he gently guided the cloth along his arms, George sniffled and did his best to avoid getting blood on his face when he wiped his tears. Dream's heart broke everytime he heard a small sob make its way out of George's throat.

Once he finished cleaning the wounds, he grabbed a roll of gauze that he knew George kept under his sink due to the constant injuries to his knees from learning how to skate with Sapnap. He gently wrapped it around his arms, making sure it wasn't too tight, but still tight enough to keep the blood flow going. When Dream confirmed he was done, George raised his arms and looked at them. The gauze was wrapped around his arms with such care, obvious that there was some sort of strategy to it. Dream had to have done this before. Still, he cried. He cried and cried and cried until Dream offered him a hug for comfort.

"I'm- I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that, I just- I shouldn't have put you through all of this!" George sobbed into Dream's shoulder.

"Hey, hey its okay George. I'm not mad. You're going through a really hard time, it's okay to be feeling like this," Dream comforted.

"Still- you shouldn't have had to see that!" George apologized.

"I'd rather see you like that than leave you to deal with it on your own," Dream said. George sniffled and nodded, slowly pulling back and wiping his face dry. Dream could see the exhaustion in his face. "Let's get you to bed, okay?" Dream suggested. George nodded again and let Dream slowly lead him to his own bed. George's room was... not in the best condition right now. Dream got him to lay down, and pulled the covers over him. Just when he was about to leave, George stopped him.

"Wait! Don't- don' wanna be alone right now..." He shyly said. Dream lightly smiled and turned around to fully face him.

"I'll be back. I'm just gonna get you some water for when you wake up," Dream said. George shook his head. "No?" Dream asked.

"Nuh uh. Stay." George said, lifting the blanket with his arm. Oh.

"George, are you sure?" Dream asked, hesitant but willing.

"Not romantic. I don't wanna be alone and you're probably shaken up. W'r takin' care of each other," George slurred out. His words were starting to blend in with each other from how tired he was.

Dream sighed, but agreed. He got under the covers, and George immediately climbed into his arms. Dream lightly giggled and wrapped them around the frail body. That will never not break his heart, feeling how malnourished he is.

1480 words


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