Warped - Sapnotfound

434 4 69

Ship/duo/trio: snf

Genre: hurt hurt hurt and THEN comfort

Plot/summary: George went through a really rough break up back in college. It absolutely crushed him. She was his longest relationship, lasting from his second year of highschool all the way to his last year of college. He genuinely thought that she was the one, and he was 100% sure that he was going to marry her. She made him realize things about himself. She helped him through so many hardships. She genuinely made him a better person. He used to be such an outgoing, loving person. But when he walked in on her with another man in his apartment, his entire perception of love, and relationships was warped. Now he never lets anyone in. He has not been in a relationship since that fateful night, and he doesn't plan on it. But what happens when he finds himself in a situation with his best friend where he realizes he loves him? Will he be able to help fix his perception of love, and teach him what love actually is? Will he lose faith on him too early? He doesn't know either.

Or, Sapnap teaches George to love himself, and trust in other's.

Trigger warnings: rough ROUGH breakups, implied ptsd, arguments, manipulation, sexual assult, attempted rape, borderline stalking, tbh this is a rough one.

AUs: none

Bros witawwy twamatized

For the love of God tho, please please PLEASE pay attention to the TWs bcz I really don't want to hurt anyone. Thank you, and enjoy.

They were perfect together. Everyone agreed. Their friend groups, random kids, heck, even their professors agreed. Over their time dating at the college, they had gained a bit of a reputation for being the "Perfect couple". Back at their high-school, they had this same reputation. Everyone who got to see them interact even for a split second would agree that they were meant for each other.

George had never loved someone so much. He just wanted to give her all the love and praise he could, kissing her till his lips hurt, holding her till his arms got sore, loving her till he was sucked dry of all the love he could give. And he thought that's what she wanted too.

They spoke about their future together. They spoke about whether or not they would have kids, and how many. They spoke about where they would have their wedding, spoke about the joys and wonders of finally being locked together by law, and by their souls. George genuinely never thought he could love anyone this much, but here they were. And everything was perfect.

They were about to graduate in a couple months, George was getting amazing grades, he got along with all his professors, he had a gorgeous girlfriend who stayed at his apartment a lot even though she had her own dorm room with one of her best friends. She just preferred the privacy. But his life was perfect. Like a fever dream that's been going on for 7 years.

He was ready to marry her. When they graduated, the first thing he planned on doing was going down to a jewler and buying the best ring he could find. She deserved the world, and if he couldn't give her that, he would at least remind her that she meant it to him every day with a beautiful ring.

She helped him in so many ways. Helped him become more open. Helped him through his depression. Helped him with his work, gave him coding ideas for him and his friends. They truly were meant to be. Were.

He has just gotten back from his last class of the day, and was ready to spend the rest of the day relaxing with his girlfriend. He missed her all day, more than he usually does, so he was so excited to see her, hug her, kiss her. Just looking forward to being with her. So when he opened the door, he couldn't wipe that stupid smile off his face. He was expecting to walk into the living room and seeing her sitting on his couch. God she was beautiful. Everytime he sees her, if feels like the first time every. Single. Time. But he wasn't met with that. No. He thought maybe she was taking a nap after her last class, which was reasonable, and he thought he might as well join her being that he was also tired. But no. That wasn't the case either. He walked over too his room, but froze. He heard a noise. Not a normal snore. A different kind of noise. His heart dropped when he heard it, and he was practically praying as he opened the door. He slowly opened the door, and right then and there, his heart shattered. He watched his life crumble before his eyes. He never thought he could ever be in such pain, but seeing this gave a new meaning to pain.

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