Resentment - Dream and Drista

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Duo/trio/ship: Dream and Drista

Genre: angst - fluff

Plot: it may come as a surprise to most, but Dream actually used to hate his younger sister, Drista. But why?

Trigger warnings: Child abuse/neglect, both verbal and physical, toxic masculinity, homophobia(?), blood, sibling neglect, thunder

AU: none

Disclaimer: in this story, their age gap is 12 years apart.

So when Dream is 12, his brother is 9, and drista is an infant.

Contrary to popular belief, Dream actually used to hate his sister. Why has he never mentioned this, you may ask? Well that's because he has always been ashamed of the reason.

Dream's father has always been a bit more aggressive. He believed that the best punishment for kids was physical abuse, but, after he married his wife, his views began to change. Whenever the kids would do something to piss him off, she was always right beside him, calming him down, preventing him from trying anything. But what happens when you remove the water from a raging fire?

Dream found out the hard way.

His newborn sister had been home for a month now, and he didn't like it as much as he thought he would.

"How could you be so stupid!?" His father screamed. He looked down at the floor as he ran out of things to say. He had already cried every apology he could think of, given every possible explanation, and yet it still wasn't enough. So all he could do now and look at him and cry, "Oh man up! You're twelve. This is nothing compared to what you're gonna get in the real world!" He yelled. The tears wouldn't stop flowing no matter how hard he tried to stop them. "I said man up!" He screamed before doing something he had never done before. He hit him. Across the face. He full on hit him, and not a drop of regret was visible in his eyes.

Where was his mother through all of this? With the baby of course. Ever since she was born, his mother practically disappeared, ignoring everyone else but her. And sure, he loved his sister, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel anger towards her. Ever since she came home, his father became so much more abusive since he didn't have anyone to stop him.

He stumbled back and held his cheek, pure shock washing over him. "I-"

"Just- I don't know go to your room or something. Just get out of my sight," He said before shooing Dream with his hand. He quickly complied and walked up the stairs and to his younger brother's room. He didn't bother knocking and walked in.

"Geez, ever heard of knocking?" He complained as he put the pencil he was using down.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Don't leave your room for a bit, or come to mine. Dad is pissed right now," He warned.

"Where's mom?" He asked, confused as to why it wasn't safe all of the sudden.

"With Cassie. Now are you staying in here, or do you want to come to my room?" He offered. "It'll be kind of boring since I have a lot of homework I need to do, but I have the Nintendo in there so you'd be occupied." He said.

"I'll go with you," He replied, standing up from his desk that he was drawing at and followed Dream to his room. "Also mom said no swearing," He giggled as they entered his room, causing Dream to nudge his shoulder

"Piss isn't a swear word," He chuckled.

"Okay whatever. Where's the Nintendo?" He asked eagerly.

"Controller's on my bed, you know where the TV is," He said sitting down at his desk where his homework lay. The room was dim, the only lighting being the TV, and the lamp on the desk. Dream's brother looked away from the screen for a second, to celebrate his victory, but he saw a red mark in his cheek. Abnormally red.

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