Beautiful Girl - George Solo

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Ship/duo/trio: Solo George, implied snf

Genre: fluff

Plot: George and Sapnap's baby daughter gets fussy in the middle of the night and George does his best to console her. When he let's his mind wander, he doesn't understand why she stopped crying until he hears himself.

Trigger warnings: none

AUs: snf parent AU

LetUsForget bestie please pull up this time😭😔


George sighed. He and Sapnap just recently adopted a beautiful baby girl, and they already loved her like their own. Sapnap usually soothed her when she got fussy in the night because he just woke up easier than George, but tonight George was up editing a video. Yes they are still creating content and parenting a child. They're still young, and are going to pump out content while they can. Well, they will soon. They've taken a break so they can really focus on their daughter, but George decided he would finish this one video and then take his break.

But when he heard his baby crying, he sat up from the desk and made his way to her room. He saw her crying in the crib and he was quick to scoop her up into his arms.

"Shh shh shh... it's okay my sweet girl, daddy's here now," George softly spoke, gently bouncing her in his arms.

She wasn't stopping. George sighed. Sometimes she had nights like this. She was just inconsolable and all they could do was hold her til' she fell asleep. They would try feeding her, checked her diapers, nothing. She was just fussy.

George was desperately trying to think of ways to calm her down, thinking of all of the methods or tactics he had heard of, nothing. He even tried thinking about things his family did for him as a kid. Big mistake. He let his mind wander, far into the past back to when he was 7 years old, almost completely forgetting about the baby girl in his arms.

"Close your eyes," His mother sang to him. "Have no fear," she softly moved a loose strand of hair out of his face. "The monster's gone," her voice was soothing. She wiped his tears and gently rocked him in her arms. "He's on the run, and your mommy's here," she smiled as he looked up at her. "Beautiful beautiful beautiful, beautiful boy," She sang. George lightly giggled at those lyrics, smiling up at her. He had completely forgotten about the nightmare he just had, only focusing on her enchanting voice. "Beautiful beautiful beautiful..."

"Beautiful girl," George softly sang.

When did he start singing to her? He can't remember, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Not when she was calming down this quickly. She still cried, but no where near as loud or as frantic. He never sang, and quite frankly, he thought he sucked, but she seemed to like it. As long as his boyfriend could get more sleep, and she no longer had to fret, he was happy to sing for her. "Before you go to sleep," He continued, slowly swaying." Say a little prayer," he smiled as her crying slowed down. "Everyday. In every way. It's getting better, and better," George smiled as she stopped crying, looking up at him with curiosity. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful girl," He sang, grabbing a tissue from one of the shelves and gently drying her face, making sure to be very careful on the sensitive skin. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful girl," He repeated.

Her confusion slowly shifted to peacefulness, her just lovingly looking up at her father with admiration.

"Out on the ocean," He began to sing the bridge. He had the song completely memorized due to his mother singing it to him all the time as a kid. Ever since then, it has just stuck with him. "Sailing away," He swayed again, putting his index and middle finger on her stomach and making a walking motion with them all the way up to her nose, then gently tapping it. She smiled. God he loved when she smiled. "I can hardly wait," He smiled with her. "To see you come of age," He began to think ahead. Something that used to scare him. When he thought ahead just a year ago, he never really saw anything. But now? Now all he can think about is watching her grow up with Sapnap who will eventually become his husband. He can only think about raising her with Sapnap, continuing this beautiful family they've created. "But I guess we'll both just have to be patient," He sighed. Not a sigh of sadness or disappointment, but more a sigh of contentment. A happy sigh.

"'Cause it's a long way to go," George sang. He had always heard that time speeds up when you become a parent, but really, it slows down. You start to appreciate your days more and make the most of them for your kid. "A hard row to hoe. Yes it's a long way to go, but in the mean time," He never thought he would like singing.

"Before you cross the street," He never thought he would find genuine joy and happiness in singing. "Take my hand," but when he's singing to his daughter. "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans," when he's singing to his child. His oh so beloved child. It becomes more that just words. It becomes more than just a melody. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful girl," it becomes more than just a chorus. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful girl," it becomes more than just a verse. "Before you go to sleep," it becomes more than just a bridge. "Say a little prayer," it becomes more than just some rhymes. "Everyday. In every way, it's getting better, and better," it becomes more than something to be good at. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful girl," it becomes more than just a song. "Darling, darling, darling..." He slightly tears up as she giggled up at him, nothing but love in her eyes that are filled with innocence and happiness.

"Darling Jade."

It becomes an oath to his love for her. It becomes a poem. A promise of his commitment to her. A promise to be her father. A promise to love her, cherish and protect her through all the hardships and wipe her tears during the fussy nights. It was a promise to raise her with all of the love he felt towards her. He felt towards his daughter.

She slowly began to settle down, so he slowly made his way back to her crib but held her for a few more minutes. Then he placed the softest kiss to her forehead when she had fallen asleep, smiling down at her with the same undying love for her that she looked at him with.

Sure she was adopted, and sure she wasn't his kid by blood, but she was his daughter. No matter what anyone said, she was his daughter and he was going to love her like his own. He was going to give her all of the love one could asked for, unconditionally. Because he was her father. Her dad. Her papa. It felt so unreal to say, but he was. He was her dad, and there was no changing that.

So even when she was a teenager. A moody, angsty teenager.

"Dad, could you maybe... sing that song to me? I'm having a hard time sleeping..."

He will sing to her. He will hold her in his arms no matter how big or small, how happy or sad she is, and sing to her. But for now, she's his baby. She was their fussy, giggly, joyful baby. Their baby whom he will sing to no matter what.

Because she was his beautiful girl.

His darling Jade.

1305 words

Wrote this while sick •3•


How are we feeling?...

How are your daddy issues holding up?...



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Hugs :3

I luv you guys, make sure you take care of yourselves, buh byeee <333

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