Gorgeous - Dreamnotnap

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Ship/duo/trio: Dreamnotnap

Genre: hurt - comfort (a girlie needs support)

Plot/summary: Sapnap gets a Lil insecure about his body, but Dream and George hold him while they remind him that he's absolutely gorgeous the way he is, and will continue to be gorgeous no matter how he looks <3

Trigger warnings: body image issues, description of self hatred

AUs: none

Sapnap was just about to take a shower. He had a towel on the counter, ready to go, and he was just about to undress. He pulled his shirt off and over his head, and just when he had gotten his thumbs under the waistband of his pants, he got a glance of himself in the mirror.


Wait, what the fuck?

Why would he think that?

He used to have problems with body image, but Dream and George helped him with that. He doesn't have those insecurities anymore. At least he doesn't think. So why does he hate looking in the mirror so much?

He paused for another moment, thinking. He looked in the mirror one more time, and that made the decision for him. He quickly grabbed his shirt and put it back on, hanging the towel back up as well.

He did not want to see himself.

He closed the door behind him, taking a deep breath. Hopefully this ugly feeling will pass.

He walked back into the living room where both of his boyfriends were. They always made him feel better.

"Hey beautiful," George smiled.

Please don't call me that. I don't deserve it.

"I thought you were taking a shower?" George asked.

Yeah, well I'm too hideous to even look at myself.

"Yeah, I changed my mind. Not really feeling up to it right now," Sapnap shrugged.

"That's okay!" Dream smiled. "That means more cuddles with us!" He giggled, reaching his arms out. Sapnap smiled.

"I guess so," He chuckled as he walked over, letting himself be wrapped up in their arms. They almost immediately nuzzled into him, and he could almost feel their giddiness.

So this is one of those days? That's okay, he loves it. He loves when they just feel especially love-filled, wanting nothing but to let each other know how much they mean to them. Wanting to hug and kiss each other for hours, show their love in any way possible. He loved when they get to the point of giddiness where all they can to is squeeze each other and blush and giggle about how amazing they are. He loves it when they can't even have a normal conversadion without someone turning it into a conversation of just worshiping each other. Reminding each other of how beautiful they are, how loved they are. He loves it. Because it's always been reassuring for him. He knows he has them. He knows they're with him. He knows they will hold him and protect him from anything and everything.

"I love you guys so fucking much," Dream mumbled into Sapnap's shoulder.

"I love you too," Sapnap smiled. George mumbled something into Sapnap's other shoulder, but they could kind of make out what he said. I love you more. George held Sapnap tighter, and moved his arm down to his stomach. He lightly squeezed him, and buried his face further into him.

No. God no.

Please move your arm.

He can feel everything. He can feel the ugliest parts of him. He is feeling the ugly parts. Actively holding them close. Why does he love them so dear? How can he cherish such hideous parts of him, and praise them as if they make him beautiful. How can they both do that? Why can't they just see how gross he is and find someone as beautiful as them?

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