Coming Out On Pride Month - Dreamnap

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Ship/duo/trio: Dreamnap (but it's platonic)

Genre: fluff

Plot: Dream is excited to finally hang up the pride flag that he ordered, and on the first day of pride month too! He hasn't come out to Sapnap, but plans to. But Sapnap just so happens to walk by his room as he was hanging the flag up. What does Sapnap say?

Trigger warnings: slight mentions of homophobia

AUs: none

Also this takes place in 2021

Dream has happy stims! :D

It finally arrived. On the first day of June. He ordered this a month ago, but it finally arrived. When he was scrolling through Amazon, bored and wanting to waste money on random things, his eyes landed on a pride flag. It wasn't specific to a certain sexuality, just the typical rainbow striped fabric. He had been considering getting one for a while, but never actually took action. He wasn't sure which flag he would get, because he wasn't even sure what he was. He never even considered that he could get just a rainbow flag. It wasn't specifically for anyone, it just represented the community. There was no rule for this flag. You didn't have to be a gay man, or a lesbian woman, or bi or anything like that. So after staring at the screen which had the flag now on display, he decided fuck it. He's wanted a flag for a while, he thought it would add a nice touch to his pretty bland room, and maybe seeing the flag, a representation of what he is, who he is, could help him fully accept, and become confident in it. So when he got the notification that his package arrived, he practically sprinted to the door.

He grabbed it with eager hands, and hopped up each step of the stairs. He was rocking from his toes to his heels, and had a stupid grin on his face as he ripped the package open. When he pulled the loosely folded fabric out of its thin plastic wrapping, he was quick to unfold it and hold it up in front of him. When he saw it, he let out a squeak of excitement. This was his. This was him. He threw the flag onto his bed and picked up the wrapping that also held the velcro strips. He found that the little package for the velcro was quite difficult to open, so he left the room to look for scissors.

As he searched the kitchen for scissors, he repeatedly made a popping sound with his lips, a vocal stim he always did when he was excited.

"Dude, you're doing that popping thing you do when you're excited. What's going on?" Sapnap asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, uh nothing," Dream has yet to come out to Sapnap. He knew Sapnap would be fine with it, but after he got some negative responses from an ex girlfriend, and some friends from highschool, the idea of coming out to anyone has always been a bit nerve wracking.

"I'm not going to date a gay guy."

"I'm not gay though?"

"You might as well be."

Even if they were they gayest, and most supportive person he knew, he would still be nervous about the "coming out" process. He just wished he could transfer the knowledge into their brains, but not have to do the whole sitting them down, and running in circles about his attraction and how he isn't sure about anything yet. "Would you happen to know where any scissors could be?" Dream asked as he continued to rummage through drawers.

"I have a pair in my room. Whatcha need 'em for?" Sapnap asked in an overly curious and invasive tone.

"Just get me the damn scissors," Dream chuckled, lightly shoving Sapnap in the direction to the exit of the Kitchen.

"Alright fine," Sapnap also laughed as he ran out of the room and up the stairs. Dream followed and waited at Sapnap's door as he grabbed the scissors from his desk. "Also, I have a package that's supposed to arrive today, so if you hear anything, let me know," Sapnap said as he handed Dream the scissors.

"Will do," Dream smiled before walking off to his room, forgetting to close the door from pure excitement. He was quick to cut the top of the plastic, and drop the velcro strips into his hand. Just as he was about to set everything up, the doorbell rang. "Nick!" Dream yelled.

"I know!" He heard through the walls, making him giggle. He giggled a bit louder when he saw Sapnap sprint past his room. Patches ran in and jumped on his bed, and began to examine the colourful flag resting on his bed. "Yeah, that's daddy's," Dream softly spoke, reaching down and gently scratching her head. He gently picked her up and moved her off the fabric, picking it up and getting to work.

He stood up on his bed and tried to decide where to put it, eventually deciding to put it above his headboard. He half-assed measured where he wanted the velcro to go (holding it up to the wall and trying to remember where the corners landed), and stuck two velcro strips on the higher part of where the flag would be. Downstairs, he could hear Sapnap tearing the packaging, and throwing everything out. And by the sounds of it, he even took the packaging of the actual item off as well. Once he stuck the velcro pieces on the flag itself, he began to stick one corner on. The moment he moved on to the second corner, he heard footsteps stop at his door. Fuck. He turned around, never taking his hands off the flag, and made eye contact with Sapnap. This isn't necessarily how he wanted to come out, but it's a way. He saw something in Sapnap's hands, and looked at it. It also appeared to be a piece of fabric, but it was pink, blue, and... purple?

"Happy pride month?" Dream awkwardly spoke through the piercing silence.

"Happy pride month," Sapnap chuckled and smiled. "When were you gonna tell me?" He jokingly asked.

"I don't know. I could ask the same for you," Dream pointed out.

"Oh I wasn't. I was just gonna bring a guy home one day," Sapnap laughed, Dream joining in. This wasn't so bad. Maybe he could come out to his other friends. Maybe even family. There was silence for a moment. Not awkward, but content.

"So do you think it would look better if I stuck it to the wall on the bottom as well, or just left it dangling like this?"


"Alright. Need help hanging that up?" Dream offered.

"Sure," Sapnap agreed as Dream hopped down from his bed. They walked to Sapnap's room, and planned out where they would put his flag. Dream enthusiastically suggested they put it over Sapnap's bed as well.

"We could be matching!" Dream excitedly exclaimed as he bounced on his heels. Sapnap liked the idea, and agreed. When they finished, they jumped down from his bed, and looked at their beautiful work.

"Thanks, Clay," Sapnap smiled as he looked up at his taller friend, "for everything."

"Everything?" Dream curiously repeated.

"I was actually really nervous about coming out to you. I'm not sure why, cuz I knew you'd be cool with it, it just terrified me," Sapnap explained.

"Same to be honest. I knew you would be okay with it, and I really wanted to tell you, I just hate the whole process of "coming out" because of some not so good experiences in the past," Dream responded.

"Well at least we outed ourselves," Sapnap giggled.

"At least," Dream smiled. Just before he was about to leave, he pulled Sapnap in for a quick hug, "happy pride month," Dream whispered as Sapnap wrapped his arms around Dream's waist.

"Happy pride month."

1323 words


lol its rlly bad and rushed because I wrote this in just a day, but I promise the next chapter I post will be AWESOME.


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