Final Statement

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This will probably be the last OFFICIAL statement I make on this. After watching George's response, hearing Caitibugzz' story, and taking my own experiences into account, I've decided the best way for me to go forward is to take a BREAK. I'm not going to delete my account, or delete wattpad, but I'm going to be very inactive for a while. I'm not sure where I stand as a writer, and a person who used to enjoy taking in their content, and to be honest, the idea that i have to completely give up writing about them scares me. It's the end of an Era, Fandom, and crucial part of my life that I would have to give up. If I wasn't a part of this Fandom, I genuinely wouldn't have started writing. I wouldn't have met so many of the people that I am close to now, and if I could go back, I wouldn't. I'm happy that this was a part of my life, and hopefully I can find another Fandom to write for, and I hope you guys will stick with me for that.

Now let's get into the real shit.

Where do I stand with the dteam?
Right now, that's unclear. I can't imagine completely erasing them from my life, but I'm willing to if I have to. I think I'm going to let everything play out, and if this situation clears itself up, I may continue to take in their content, but step back from writing.

What do I think of George?
This is a very tricky one. I think there was a lot of miscommunication, social cues were not read, and this was looked at from two very different points of view. So I'm going to say this, keep in mind that I am solely going off of the information we have been provided with, but I think George was fully responsible for anything that happened that night. I think Caiti contributed to the things that happened (body language, repeatedly coming back, etc.) HOWEVER, George should have asked. That's the bare minimum. Even a questioning glance is better than nothing. Unless there are more details we aren't being provided with, George made the mistake of not asking, and this situation in inevitably on him.

Given the fact that, for all we know, he was under the impression that she was over the age of 21, I'm not sure where I stand. As of right now, I'm thinking that I will continue to watch his content but nothing else, but I'm still figuring this all out.

The next time you hear from me officially, I will hopefully have an update on exactly what I'm going to do moving forward.

Thank you guys so much for being patient with me, I love you guys


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