Nonverbal - Dream Team

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Ship/duo/trio: Dteam

Genre: idk, fluff and a bit of angst ig?

Plot: Dream goes nonverbal. He never talks about it as it is a very rare occasion, but it's possible. One day, he just so happens to, and George and Sapnap have to figure out how to help him without his guidance.

Trigger warnings: description of overstimulation(?), and mentions of bugs. (I HATE bugs D:<)

AU(s): none

It was fine. Everything was fine. Dream was fine. They were all having fun, enjoying themselves and hanging out with their friends. He agreed to go to this party with a wide smile on his face, more than happy to go out with his friends. Now, all he wants to do is leave. He wants to go home and wrap himself up in a blanket. Not too tight though, that would feel suffocating. Not too loose either. Then that would feel like a half assed hug, and if the soft fabric were to move he would feel like millions of ants were crawling around him. It needed to be just right.

But nothing was just right. Nothing was comfortable or enjoyable. Just fifteen minutes ago he was enjoying himself, but now he can see, feel, hear everything. The lights are too bright, yet the rooms feel oh so dark. The loud chatter and music feels deafening. And lastly, he feels everything. He feels every slight movement of the fabric covering his body. He feels everyone's arms and backs brushing tauntingly against him as he tries to walk through the crowds of people. His shoes feel to tight on his feet, yet they feel like they may slip off. The feeling of his thumb tapping lightly on the pads of each individual finger feels like little shock waves being sent up his arms, yet it's the only thing keeping him from breaking down crying. All he wants to do is curl up in a little ball and hide away. He wants to shrink to the size of an ant. Then he doesn't have to deal with anyone touching him. And if they stomp on him? Cool. Anything would be better than being here.

Yet all he can think right now, is where are they?

All he wants is the comfort of his friends' presence. Maybe that will encourage him to stay. Either or, all he wants is to see them. Even if he can't talk to them right now, he just needs to know that they're here.

And like an angel sent from heaven above, there they are. He can see them laughing together on a couch, and somehow manages to slightly smile at the sight of them. Three cushions on the couch, George on the left, Sapnap in the middle, and Dream was quick to sit on the right. Sapnap was leaned slightly forward so his torso could twist to face George, so Dream took advantage of that and hugged his waist, dipping his face in Sapnap's shoulder and neck. Sapnap was a bit confused as neither of them even knew he was there until right now.

"Hm? Oh! What's up Clay?" Sapnap said as he raised a hand to gently pet his hair. Oddly enough, this touch was much more comforting. It managed to slightly drown out the rest of the discomfort he felt. Sure it pressed his clothes further into his sensitive skin, and he was really debating pulling away. And sure the hand in his hair was comfortable, but it also felt like bugs were crawling all around his scalp and trying to dig their way in. But it was fine. Because he knew that wasn't happening.

"You enjoying your time?" George asked.

Obviously fucking not. How could I?

Dream removed his right hand from Sapnap's stomach, and raised his thumb.

"That's good!" Sapnap smiled. "You taking a break from people? That's what we're doing," Sapnap giggled. Dream immediately nodded, but stopped after the first nod as he felt the split second of friction was enough to set a fire on his face. Sapnap looked down and noticed how Dream's thumb was tapping along the pads of his fingers back and fourth, and grew slightly concerned. He knew that was a stim he had picked up when he gets anxious, or uncomfortable in any way, but didn't want to bring too much attention to it. So he just tilted his head, and lightly whispered in Dream's ear.

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