Hanker Sore - Dreamnap

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Ship/duo/trio: Dreamnap(kinda)

Genre: Angst. Hurt, NO comfort >:)

Plot: Hanker sore - when you find someone so attractive it hurts/pisses you off.

Trigger warnings: unrequited love(?)

AUs: idk straight Sapnap AU?

He was truly perfect. Sapnap, the love of Dream's life, was absolutely perfect. His looks, his personality, his behaviors, he couldn't possibly ask for a "better" version of him. It's impossible to get that. He wanted him. Needed him. Desired him.

He desired his eyes. His beautiful, turquoise eyes. A colour he had never seen on someone's eyes until him. He desired his smile. He felt as though he needed to see that smile every morning when they wake up, and every night when they went to bed. Together. If they were dating. If they could ever date. He needed his sweet, thick, honey-like voice to gently coax him awake every morning. He needed to feel his gentle fingers push his hair behind his ears. He needed to feel his warm arms cradle him whenever he cried, needed to feel the warm sensation in his chest everytime he whispered comforting words to him. He needed to cup his gorgeous cheeks in his own big hands, and pull him in for the softest kisses. He needed to see him. He needed him. Needed to see his body, his face, trust, all of it. He needed Sapnap to put all of his trust in him, and let him take care of him, and love him, and shower him in praises of all sorts.

He just needed to feel his beard lightly scratching against his collarbone as he pressed sloppy kisses on his neck. He wanted to feel his soft thumb rubbing the back of his palm as they held hands. He wanted to hear his cheerful and loving voice chirp out an "I love you!" Every night before bed. He wanted to feel his tight arms wrapped around his waist as they watched movies on the couch together. He needed all of it.

But he couldn't have it.

Because of her.

He loved her. She had all of his trust. She got to experience what seemed like heaven. She got to feel his warm embrace. She got to feel his soft lips run along her skin. She got to hear his soft and caring voice. She got to hear his peaceful, undisturbed inhales and exhales of sleepy contentment every night. She got to have his hand tangle together with hers. She got to receive all the love in the world. She got to live Dream's heaven everyday, and yet she thinks nothing of it. She shrugs it off and thinks of it as a normal day, when Dream cherishes a playful side hug. She didn't need him. Not in the way the Dream needed him. And it hurt. It hurt to know that he felt this much desire towards someone, and it wasn't even close to reciprocated. It pained him to remember everyday. He just has to try his best to stuff it all down, and get over him.

Maybe he'll move out. Move away. Move to another state. Go back to just being online friends. It would be easier that way, right? He could distance himself from the one who will never love him like that. Distance himself from the one who is already barely at the house anymore. He felt as though he was losing him. All because of her. How could he not notice?! Sapnap has said multiple times, that the thing that scares him the most is to lose his friends. And now he's pulling away from them? It fucking sucks.

It sucks to love someone who will never love you back.

620 words

Lol felt quirky and decided to write some angst >:)

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