Guilt - Dreamnap

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Duo/trio/ship: dreamnap

Genre: hurt - comfort

Plot: they get into a fight (but they make up) and the next day dream feels a lot of guilt :(

Trigger warnings: flashbacks/yelling, slight implications of past neglect/abuse.

AU: none

Dream and Sapnap had been in a relationship for about a year now, a very healthy one at that. They both believed that communication was the most important thing to have in a relationship. Which is true. It was very rare that they would get into arguments without stopping to look at it from the other's perspective. Heck, that basically never happened. But there were times where they would lose their temper, saying dumb things they didn't mean. But that was always about serious things, or miscommunication, and fights like that had only happened two times before.

Like I said, that was very rare. But rare doesn't mean never. Just last night they had gotten into a serious argument, yelling and tears involved. They obviously made up, taking time to explain their sides of the story, apologizing and comforting each other as they were both left quite fragile mentally. They had fallen asleep together, arms around each other's waists, legs tangled together, and both comfortable with how the day ended.

Dream had now woken up, his lover's arms around his waist, light breathes to be heard from beside him. He sat up, placing a light kiss on his forehead before crawling out of bed and putting a shirt on as they both slept topless. He walked back over to the desk which held a computer that was beside their bed, and turned it on. He began to type away, releasing a few tweets, responding to some emails, and editing a video he recorded a few days ago.

He looked to his left over at the boy who was sleeping, and smiled. He looked adorable when he slept. It was something about how calm he looked. He went back to editing, resting his chin on his hand.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Clay yelled, tears running down his face.

Woah. That's never happened before.

"Oh please, it's not like you can talk!" Sapnap yelled back as he let a few tears trickle down his cheeks.

What the fuck is happening.

"I know that, and I've been trying to say that!" He defended.

"Morning love," his thoughts were cut short by his boyfriend kissing his forehead.

"Oh, m-morning honey," He quickly responded, looking up to make eye contact.

"You okay?" Sapnap asked with a light smile on his face.

"Oh uh.. yeah," He hesitantly said, smiling back.

"Alright. Make sure you come downstairs soon," He said, patting his shoulder, "I don't want you editing all day," He said.

"Actually, I'll just come down now," He said, standing up from his chair and giving Nick a little peck on the lips. Sapnap nodded as they walked out of the room. They walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Well, Sapnap did. Clay just followed him into the kitchen.

Nick grabbed two cups from the cabinet, and was about to pour water into both of them, until he felt arms wrapping around his waist and a head nuzzling into his neck.

"Hi," Sapnap chuckled, placing a kiss in the fluffy hair on his shoulder.

"Hello," Dream said, lifting his head and looking at what Sapnap was doing as he hugged him tighter. Both of the cups had been filled and sapnap handed one to Dream

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