Selfish: Take Two - SapNotFound

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Ship/duo/trio: SapNotFound/snf

Genre: hurt - comfort

Plot: Sapnap and George got into a fight, and both ended it on not so great terms. Sapnap ends up overthinking about it, and finds himself having a panic attack. Although he was worried about annoying George, he was promised that no matter how angry he was, Sapnap can and should always go to him when something is wrong. So he decides to ignore all of the worried remarks he makes to himself, and go to George. And for some reason, it shocked him when George completely dropped everything just to be there by his side, and talk him through it.

Or, George keeps his promise, and Sapnap feels like an idiot for thinking he wouldn't :)

Trigger warnings: mentions of divorce/failed marriage, and panic attacks

AUs: none

This was HEAVILY inspired by my friend/reader LetUsForget :D lots of credit to themmm

"We both need some space right now. I promise we can talk about this later."

And space he got. George and Sapnap had gotten into a fight a few hours ago, and to prevent worsening the situation and taking things out of proportion, they agreed to take some time to themselves, and come back to it later. After their last serious fight, George has always been careful about what he says when he's upset. And when he feels himself getting lost in the emotion, he's quick to put everything to a halt and suggest taking some time to themselves, just so he doesn't say anything he doesn't mean. He knows he has a tendency to shut down whenever he's hurt, and do anything to protect himself, even if that means hurting other's. He hates being vulnerable, so that's what he has resorted to his whole life. That was until their last fight where he saw just how badly he hurt Sapnap. His boyfriend. The man he loves with all of his heart. (Well one of them). He still feels guilt whenever he thinks about it, so he made a mental note to himself to never do that again. Ever.

So now, George is sitting in his bedroom, playing some random game to try and take his mind off of things. Then, once he was in a better, calmer mindset, he would text Sapnap to ask if he was ready to talk. If he was, then they would talk things out, talking about how it looked and felt from their own perspective, come to an understanding, and apologize. Then they would cuddle, and do whatever they needed to make sure they both felt loved and cared for. But for now, George was still annoyed with the other.

But he can't help but wonder how Sapnap was doing right now.

I can answer that for you. Not so well. He knew they both agreed to take some time away from the subject, specifically so they could calm themselves down and come back to it in a better mindset. But he just couldn't do that. George was probably taking his time to try to talk to himself and tell himself that he doesn't know how it looked from Sapnap's perspective, like he promised he would, but all Sapnap can do is beat himself up for everything. He was currently sitting in his room, doing his best not to cry as he scolded himself for everything that had occurred just a few hours ago. He yelled at George, again. He knows how getting yelled at scares George, and yet he still did it! He didn't even take the time to consider it before he actually yelled. Didn't even care to think about it! George is surely still mad at him for that. They've bickered a few times in between the whole selfish thing, and now. But never once in those times did Sapnap yell. If he did, it was playful. And every time he came close to it, he reminded himself how George feels about being yelled at. George literally said, and I quote, "I've always hated being yelled at, or just have someone raise their voice to be honest. Like- hated. If it's playful it's fine, but if they're genuinely angry at me, it kinda scares me. I don't know why,"

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