Arguments - DreamNotNap

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Ship/duo/trio: dnn

Genre: HURT - comfort :)

Plot: the three get into an argument because Sapnap really hurt Dream. The only problem though, is that Sapnap has no idea what he did.


sapnap sad because boyfriends angry :(

Trigger warnings: mentions of dead relatives, yelling, talk of suicide, LOTSA crying, and mentions if neglect and toxic and abusive relationships.

AUs: none.

《Sapnap's pov but like- still 3rd person》

Sapnap didn't like this. They were all in an argument which is already uncommon for them, and Dream and George had ganged up on him. They were both mad at him for the same thing. What is this thing you may ask? Well, Sapnap doesn't know. They were out buying groceries when Dream walked in, smiled and greeted him, but when he looked at something on the kitchen counter, he just started yelling.

When George walked in, he yelled at Dream to stop yelling and asked what was going on. They fought for a few more minutes, Sapnap just watching in fear until Dream gestured to the counter, and then George started yelling as well.

Sapnap doesn't usually get too upset during arguments. He's pretty good at staying calm and fighting when he thinks something is unfair. He was good at arguments. It's a weird sentence, sure, but it was true.

But when they both teamed up on him, he broke He sat there and stayed quiet, letting them tear into him. He doesn't fight back, just watches as they yell, feels his heart break as he sees a tear slip from Dream's eye.

He wants nothing more than to apologize for everything, hold them both in his arms and promise not to do it again. Do what? He's not sure. All he knows is that he fucked up some how and now he's getting yelled at. By both of them.

He knew their dynamics were all different. He knew that he and George were the ones who were always at each other's throats. But Dream? He was meant to be the calm one. The collected one. But most importantly, he was meant to be Dream's sweet little boy. He was meant to be Dream's love. He was supposed to be George's angel. His sweet little angel.

He didn't like being "inconsiderate!".

He didn't like being "stupid".

He didn't like being "such an asshole!".

He didn't like being cruel enough to "hurt Clay like this!".

He didn't like being- "selfish!-"



He was selfish. He's not sure what he did, but he probably deserved it.

He flinched as Dream smacked a hand over his mouth. Of all the people to call him selfish, he never thought Dream would be the one. Dream was the only one who was there during that time in his life. He saw just how hard it was on him. Yet he was the one who said it and seemed to have meant it the most.

"Clay..." George faltered. He sounded disappointed but also... sympathetic? He sounded like he was sympathetic toward... Dream? Why Dream? Why was everything always about Dream? Sure he hurt him, they told him a plenty amount of times, but why can't George just get mad at him for once? Why can't George just be on Sapnap's side for once? Why does Dream have to be his favorite?

Sapnap couldn't bare to be here anymore. He stood up, and began to walk away.

"Wait- Nick! I didn't mean it!-" Dream cried. For the first time in years, Sapnap didn't want to hear his explanation. He ran to his room and shut the door, and cried. He cried and cried and cried until it felt like he couldn't. Just just wanted someone to be on his side for once

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