Love is Difficult - DreamNotNap

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Ship/Duo/trio: Dreamnotnap

Genre: Hurt - comfort

Plot/summary: we all know that George struggles to express his emotions, but sometimes that fact really gets to him and he feels really shitty about it. (Aka: George feels guilty and desperately needs a hug 🙁)

Trigger warnings: Implications and mentions of rough break ups, insecurities, and a brief mention of puking. Also George talks about breaking up with them, but I'm gonna let you see how that plays out because I'm so mean >:)

AUs: none

I'm full on writing some ao3 level angst rn

It's no secret that George struggles with emotions. Be it expressing them, experiencing others' emotions, and overall, anything where he had to show an emotion other than happiness or a neutral expression was difficult. But there is one emotion in particular that is very difficult for him. Love. If a family member were to hug him or say "I love you," he could easily hug them back, but reciprocating the words had always been a bit weird for him. This has obviously made things like dating quite challenging for him, because he genuinely doesn't know how to express his love for other people.

So when his ex girlfriend told him she loved him, he froze. Obviously, the first "I love you" is always an initial shock for everyone, but most people settle down and say it back, or some stupid alternative. Not him though. He froze and didn't plan on unfreezing. She was understanding and waited for him to say it back. She would be happy with a dorky "twinsies" or some shit like that. She didn't care if he didn't say the words exactly, as long as he said some sort of alternative. But he couldn't even muster up enough courage to said "thank you". He couldn't even speak. Hell, it felt like his body went on autopilot, and he just walked away. And like anyone would, she got confused and began to ask a bunch of questions "are you okay? Did I say it too soon?" Things like that. But when he made a stupid attempt to reassure her and tell her that the timing was perfect and he was just awkward, her questions became less... considerate.

"Wait so.. do you even love me?"

That question fucked him up. Of course he did. Why would he have dated her if he didn't? But for some reason, he just couldn't think of an answer. So he made an idiotic decision, and shrugged. He still cringes about how that entire interaction played out to this day. And he definitely doesn't blame her for breaking up with him right then and there.

"I'm sorry, but I can't just date someone who doesn't even know how they feel towards me. Good luck, George." She sadly spoke. "You'll need it."

You'll need it

That always stung to think about. The fact that he can't find love because he deserves it, or because people genuinely love him. He can only find love out of pure luck. That, is what stings.

So, knowing and thinking all of this, he always asks himself how he managed to find not one, but two amazing people, who love, and cherish him. How, could he have been so lucky? They knew how difficult it was for him to express his love for people, and yet they still wanted to be with him? Even after he warned them, and told them about everything, they still loved him?

"You guys know that I find emotions really hard, right?"


"That still applies. It's really hard for me to be all lovey dovey 'n shit. But I do love you guys. A lot. I'm just probably not gonna say it very often. But I promise it's not you guys."

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