Loving Eyes - GeorgeNap

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Ship/duo/trio: gnap

Genre: fluffy and a bit hornee >:)

Plot: just gnap being in love and and and and and being cute and giggly <333

Trigger warnings: none

AUs: none

Lol say gex

George was talking about one of his interests, and he wasn't really looking at Sapnap. When he looked back at him though, he was met with a big dopey smile, and love filled eyes. Sapnap had his head rested on the back couch cushion with his knees folded up to his chest as his entire body was turned towards George to give him his full attention. "Why are you looking at me like that?" George curiously asked. There was a light giggle in his tone, but it wasn't intended to make fun of him.

"Like what?" Sapnap asked. His smile never faded.

"You look like-" how can George describe it. The way Sapnap looks at George is the way he feels when Sapnap gives him a hug or a kiss. Sapnap is currently the visual representation of how George feels for Sapnap constantly. Which is- "love struck." George said.

"Love struck?" Sapnap repeated.

"Like- I don't know. You look at me like I saved your life or something," George shrugged.

"Maybe it's because I love you?" Sapnap suggested.

"I- oh," George blushed and tried to hide the shy and giddy smirk that wanted so badly to overtake his entire face.

"Why do you look so shy?" Sapnap giggled. "And so red."

I- because- you can't just say shit like that!" George giggled.

"What, I can't tell my boyfriend I love him?" Sapnap giggled.

"Well- No you can I just- well-," George's face somehow turned redder as Sapnap teased him. "Fuck you..." George whined.

"At this rate it's gonna be the other way around baby," Sapnap giggled.

"Oh fuck off. And I love you too by the way," George scoffed.

"Awe, Georgie!" Sapnap smiled. Although he was teasing George, George could tell that hearing that actually made him very happy.

"I love you and your eyes, and how beautiful they are," George teased. Now it was Sapnap's turn to start blushing. "And I love your smile and how happy it makes me," Sapnap was engulfed in George's arms who was kissing all over his face as he spoke. "And your cute little smile lines which I don't know why you hate," George smiled as he kissed the faint lines.

"Because they make me look- I dunno, weird..." Sapnap said, a bit less flustered and more shy.

"They tell me a story. They tell me that although your life has been tough, you managed to find joy in it. They tell me that you're strong, and brave, and sooooooo adorable," George said. Sapnap giggled as George continued to kiss him. "And I love your nose," George said, kissing the very tip of his nose, "and your cheeks that I just wanna squeeze sometimes," George moved to his cheeks, "and your forehead, which tells me if you're unwell," George kissed Sapnap's forehead, "and I especially love your lips," George said. Sapnap looked up at him, waiting for his kiss. "What made you think I was going to kiss you?" George giggled fondly.

"You're an idiot," Sapnap said, face burning with embarrassment.

"I am. I'm an idiot for making you wait," George smiled as he leaned in, placing a hand on Sapnap's cheek and kissing him. Soft and tender. Sapnap smiled into his lips, leaning forward to deepen it. When they pulled away, George grinned down at him. "Someone's getting greedy," He chuckled.

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