Do I Not Say that Enough? - DreamNotfound

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Duo/trio/ship: DreamNotFound

Genre: lil bit of angst - Fluff

Plot: George realizes that he may not be giving Dream enough love and affection, so he reminds him how much he loves him.

Trigger warnings: none

AU: none

"Good morning handsome," Dream said as he placed his arms around Georges waist and pecked his cheek, who was brushing his teeth.

"Good morning," He tried to speak, but it came out muffled being that there was a toothbrush in his mouth. Dream had woken up earlier and already brushed his teeth.

"I'm going to go buy some groceries, I'll be back in few, alright?" He said as he backed away from the boy and placed his hand on the door knob. George looked at him through the mirror and raised his hand, giving him a thumbs up. "Okay, I love you," He said. George put his hands up in a heart as the other began to walk out of the bathroom smiling.

Once he finished brushing his teeth, he got dressed and went into the living room where patches rest on the couch. He walked over and pet her before moving to the other side of the couch, sitting down and opening his phone. He decided to scroll through tiktok since he had nothing better to do.

After about 15 minutes of scrolling, an edit popped up. This wasn't uncommon for him, but he still watched it anyway. It showed a clip of Dream saying "I love you" as a joke and George immediately shutting it down, also in a joking manner of course, and then the edit proceeded. He looked through the comments, and most of them were simple things like

"Omg this is amazing<3"


"They're so cuteee :)"

But some of them said other things. Not so positive things.

"But how come no one thinks about dream? I love George and all but sometimes I think he really hurts dream😕"

He saw that there were replies to that comment, and decided to look at them. Most of them were defending him, but then there were some that agreed.

"Honestly. Like I get that he struggles to express his emotions, but he doesn't need to neglect his friends because of jt"

"So true omg. Like George can at least say something to let his friends know that he cares"

"If he does"


Normally things like this wouldn't affect him, but for some reason this did. Maybe because he knew it was true. His friends could deny it all they want, but he knew. He knew that he wasn't necessarily giving them enough affection, and it definitely wouldn't hurt for him to at least change his "love you"s into "I love you"s whenever it comes to talking to his boyfriend. He can't even confidently say he loves him. He obviously does though. With all of his heart. But sometimes it's hard for him to find the words.

But still. That doesn't make it fair. He shouldn't be letting his own issues cause new ones. And some people might say something like, "oh but he shouldn't make himself uncomfortable to accommodate others!". But the truth is, he wouldn't.

He does struggle to express his emotions, but not to the extent that it seems. And now that he thinks of it, he remembers Dream mentioning that he tends to overthink. He also knows Dream tends to doubt himself, doubt his worth, and that he used to deny that anyone could possibly love him. And although those issues are gone for the most part, that doesn't mean they aren't still there.

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