Heal - Sapnotfound

288 6 60

Ship/duo/trio: snf

Genre: ANGST and then some hurt-comfort

Plot: Sapnap proposes to George, but gets a very unexpected response. Weeks later, George comes home with Dream in a very... vulnerable state and Sapnap has to take care of him. He finds some things out while he's at it.

Trigger warnings: intoxication, mentions of toxic relationships, talk about taking advantage of someone during a vulnerable moment, vomit.

AUs: none

FULL credits go to charliechild100 for this one. Gave me the idea and I just HAD to write it (with permission of course). The other stuff is my payback for them leaving me with such a bad ending >:(

Written for mon beasties charliechild100 and Spac3_l0ver


He was scared. No. Petrified. There in front of him, was his boyfriend on one knee with a ring in his hand, spewing his heart out. So why would he be scared? He should be happy! But he can't. Not when he knows the man in front of him is just pulling shit out of his ass in a desperate attempt to take ownership of him. He's been down this road before.

He's been proposed to before. He's had someone promise they loved him more than anything. But the moment they got home, it was the same degrading words he got every day.

"You're lucky someone like me would even consider proposing to you. I'm wasting my own time trying to fix you. This is a privilege I have given you, don't ruin it!"

He can't do it. He just can't. These past few years with him have been perfect, he can't bare to hear those words from him. He just can't.

"No-" George swallowed back the lump in his throat. "You don't..." He muttered.

Sapnap's heart shattered. He couldn't hear the last part. All he heard was "no". Did he not want this? Did he not want a relationship?

"W-what?" Sapnap meekly asked.

"You don't love me- you don't- you've gotta do this with someone else. You've gotta marry someone you love. Not someone you want to- to own," George could barely get through the sentence, tears trying to force their way down his cheeks.

"Want to own?- George wha-"

"I can't do this, Nick. I'm so sorry. But I can't force you to be with someone who's just going to inconvenience you. I can't make you marry someone who's just gonna hold you back and be a burden," George cried.

"George wai-" George began to walk away, wiping his tears and grabbing his phone from his pocket and asking Dream to pick him up.

Sapnap was left confused. He thought George would be ready for this next step. He thought goerge would be happy, but instead, he was tearing up as he spoke about how he didn't even love him. He had to fight back his own tears as he put the beautiful ring back in his pocket. He sat there for a few moments and thought about everything that just happened. How was he meant to live in the same house as his ex who broke up with him the same day he proposed? He didn't want to spiral right now. He felt his phone vibrate, and when he looked at it, he saw a text from Dream.

"Hey George told me to come pick him up. I'm going to, but I'm worried. Did it not work out?"

Sapnap sighed and opened the text.

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