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Lol I tried making a request page a WHILE ago but fell asleep and never got back to it. So anyway, this is the page where you can leave requests!

Requests for fluff >>>

Requests for angst >>>

Requests for hurt comfort >>>

Requests for other >>>

"Other" is basically just for any category that doesn't quite fit under the other three

Quick reminder that some requests may not be responded to, or written if they go against my, or CCs boundaries.

By sending in requests, you are also giving me freedom to add my own smaller ideas to the plot unless you say otherwise. If you are unhappy with the result, let me know, and tell me what I did that went against your vision. If you want the story to go a certain way, please specify, and give details. I want anyone who sends in a request, to be thoroughly satisfied with the result. I want you guys to trust that I will write your ideas efficiently without diminishing anything from the original plot, or meaning.

You can base requests off of personal experiences. Seeing representation of your own experiences, and seeing it represented well, can be really reassuring. Obviously, I haven't lived through every possible hardship there is, but I promise to research, and do my best to represent things appropriately without making it too triggering for anyone.

So with that, share your ideas, and enjoy! :D

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