Sick - Dreamnotnap

656 4 52

Ship/duo/trio: dnn

Genre: fluff

Plot: George gets sick and Sapnap and Dream take care of him <3

Trigger warnings: vomit

AUs: none

George hates puking (me too boo) so anyway, have some autistic George crumbs :D (they are super obvious. Not even crumbs. Loaves of bread)

George and Sapnap were both enjoying their day together. They were cuddled up in front of the TV, holding hands while Dream was out buying ingredients for dinner. George has been feeling a bit off all day, but brushed it off as something he ate. They did have sushi last night, so it was completely possible that he just had some sort of stomach bug.

As the show continued, his stomach only started to feel worse. It started to feel like it was twisting around. He could feel it tightening in real time and he hated it. He knew what this was a sign for, but he thought that maybe it was just a false alarm. One of those times where you're so sure you're about to throw up, but then you never do. He was wrong. His mouth started to fill with saliva, and the nausea traveled all the way to his throat. He was going to puke.

He slapped a hand over his mouth for the chance that he doesn't make it to the bathroom in time, and sprung up off the couch.

"George?" Sapnap asked as George quickly let go of his hand, immediately sending worry to fill his chest. George wasted no time, and darted off to the closest bathroom that he knew of. He just made it in time, and crumpled himself over the big porcelain bowl. Sapnap was there in an instant. He couldn't help but feel bad for the boy, and walked over to him. "Oh honey..." He sadly said as he got on his knees next to him, rubbing his back. George had been behind on getting a haircut, and the moment Sapnap remembered, he put his hand under the longest part of his hair and moved it out of the way. They stayed like that for a couple more minutes, George hurling over the toilet, Sapnap holding his hair and rubbing his back. When George finished, he spat whatever was left in his mouth, into the bowl, flushed it, and leaned back into Sapnap. When Sapnap managed to get a good look of George's face, he could instantly tell that he was sick. He was pale, making his once brown eyes look black. His cheeks were still red but he looked so weak. He almost genuinely looked green and it was concerning. "Oh my sweet boy," Sapnap sympathetically said as he brushed a little strand of hair that he missed, out of the way.

"'M tired," George said.

"I know, love. D'you think you can stand up?" Sapnap asked. George just nodded, and they both got up. George needed a bit of support, so he wrapped his hands around Sapnap's arm, and rested his head on Sapnap's temple. "I'm gonna go grab a cup so you can rinse some of that yucky barf taste out of your mouth, do you wanna come with me or stay here? I'd be quick," Sapnap offered.

"I'll come with you," George softly spoke.

"Okay," Sapnap said. He was going to let George lean on him as they walked, but it seemed like George was far too weak for that. He placed his hands on the under side of George's hamstrings and lifted him up.

"Woah! N-Nick, I can walk," George giggled.

"I know. But I'm not taking any risks," Sapnap said.

"Whatever," George quietly scoffed as he let his head fall into the crook of Sapnap's neck. Sapnap made his way to the kitchen, setting George down on the counter and grabbing a cup. George hopped down from the counter once he had the cup in hand, and walked over to the sink. He filled it with water, took a sip, and swished it around. Once it felt as though his mouth was thoroughly rinsed, he spat it out. He repeated this process a few more times, and then was right back to clinging onto Sapnap. Sapnap began to walk over to the living room, but George stopped him.

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