Meant To Be - Dreamnap

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Ship/duo/trio: Dreamnap

Genre: fluff and ONLY fluff :]

Plot/summary: Dream and Sapnap find an old photo album of Dream's, and immediately go through it. They laugh together about embarrassing photos and Sapnap would tease Dream about how cute he was, but then they find one particular photo that has a familiar face in it. They can't help but laugh and cry about it.

Trigger warnings: none

AUs: none

Dream woke up to an empty bed, and the sound of things being moved around. He was a bit confused as he and Sapnap woke up around similar times, and if they didn't, they would wait for the other to wake up before actually starting their day, but he wasn't actually hurt by it. He just got up and didn't bother to put a shirt on, walking over to the room where the noise was coming from. When he opened the door, he was met with the sight of his boyfriend cleaning out the closet in the guest bedroom. Well, guest bedroom, soon to be George's bedroom. He was moving in in a few weeks, so they were in the middle of cleaning it out, and moving whatever he shipped over into it.

"Oh! Morning love," Sapnap smiled.

"Morning. Whatcha doin'?" Dream asked.

"I'm just cleaning the closet out. He sent in some more clothes so I thought I'd get a head start so we could have some time to relax tonight," Sapnap said.

"Oh. Well thanks," Dream appreciatively smiled.

"Of course, and I was thinking, maybe we cou- Clay I can't reach." Sapnap faltered. Dream could help but giggle at the sudden switch up, but still walked over to help him. He picked up an older, dark brown book, and the cover seemed to be some kind of leather. It wasn't anything too fancy. It was obviously not a book meant for reading given its greater size, but Dream knew exactly what it was the moment he saw it.

"Oh my god. This is the photo book my mom gave me when I first moved out," Dream chuckled.

"Oh cool! Is there any photos of you as a teenager?" Sapnap asked. Dream sighed, knowing exactly why he wanted to know.

"Yup," Dream replied. Sapnap gave him a look, and it could only be described as both asking to look through the book, and 'Oh I'm going to fuck you up with this'. "Fine we can go through it," He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yes!" Sapnap cheered, snatching the book from Dream's hands.

"I'm gonna go grab a shirt real quick," Dream announced as he began to walk out the door.

"Awe man," Sapnap fake pouted.

"Calm down you horny bitch, I know what "time to relax tonight" meant anyway," Dream spoke from a distance, making Sapnap laugh. No sooner than 15 seconds later did Dream walk back with a shirt on, to his boyfriend sitting on the floor, already two pages into the album. He joined him on the floor and let him rest his head on his shoulder and they both looked at the photos.

"Why were you such a cute baby?!" Sapnap exclaimed, almost seeming angry.

"I don't know!" Dream defended. They continued giggled as the flipped through the pages.

"Jeez dude, did your mom organize this? It's so like- neat," Sapnap giggled.

"Yeah. You think I remember when all of this shit happened?" Dream laughed, referring to how every photo was organized by date. They continued to laugh at embarrassing photos, Sapnap would awe at the cuter ones, Dream blushing at the little kisses he received right after.

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