After Stream Assurance - Sapnotfound

446 4 16

Ship/duo/trio: snf

Genre: fluff, kinda hurt - comfort

Plot/summary: after Streams where they tease each other a lot, George and Sapnap always apologize for everything they said, assuring each other that they didn't mean, any of it, and to tell the other if one of them were to ever be genuinely hurt by it.

Or, snf soft moments after stream.

Trigger warnings: none

AUs: none

"And... yup, stream's over," Sapnap confirmed. He turned around to face George, but didn't even get a chance to look at him before arms were flung around him. Sapnap just giggled and hugged him back. He let George get his legs up till he was sitting in his lap.

"'M sorry for everything I said, Angel... I didn't mean a single word," George promised.

"I'm sorry too, Beautiful," Sapnap apologized and pressed a gentle kiss to George's temple.

"That last thing I said wasn't too much, was it?" George asked.

"Nope! I noticed you got a bit worried after you said it. I was considering cutting the stream short," Sapnap chuckled.

"Oh you wouldn't have to do that for me," George scoffed.

"I wouldn't have to, but I would want to," Sapnap smiled.

"You're so sappy," George giggled, hiding his face in Sapnap's neck.

"Believe what you want to believe," Sapnap teased. George just giggled and pulled his head away, placing a light kiss on the other's lips.

"Sometimes I hate being so mean to you," George admitted.

"I know, love. We've gotta remember that it's all just a bit," Sapnap reminded.

"Yeah," George sighed.

"Do you genuinely want to stop teasing each other on camera?" Sapnap asked. "Because I understand if it starts to feel overwhelming. We can tone it down until we essentially stop," He offered.

"I mean, no? Like, I still like to tease you because it's a way for me to show my affection, but I feel like since we always make things bigger on camera, like our reactions, movements, and words, I tend to get a bit carried away. I never want you to actually believe whatever stupid shit I say. At any point in time," George rambled.

"Yeah, I get that. But if you're genuinely worried about hurting me, we can tone it down. I get worried too, so I think it would be better for the both of us," Sapnap proposed.

"Yeah. I think just toning if down for a while would be good. As much as I worry about hurting you, I also worry about you feeling guilty. I know how hard it is for you to deal with guilt," George agreed.

"Yeah," Sapnap nodded.

"How are you feeling by the way? I think I've spoken about my guilt levels enough, how are you doing with it all?" George checked.

"Good. I know I didn't hurt you, so I feel good," Sapnap answered.

"Good. Because I'm not hurt at all, and I would feel horrible if you thought I was," George answered. Sapnap smiled and let his head fall onto George's chest, and letting his hands drop to hold his hips.

"Oh you're probably really tired, aren't you?" George giggled, and Sapnap just hummed and nodded. He already noticed how his answers were becoming shorter, so he was expecting him to get pretty tired. George smiled, and got off his lap, making Sapnap pout at the loss of his warm body. "C'mon, let's go take a nap," He said, opening his arms in a welcoming manner. Sapnap got up and walked into his arms. "Jump," George said. He could feel the hesitance in Sapnap's muscles, but he managed to get over it and jump anyway, letting George carry him to his room.

"I love you," Sapnap muttered into George's shoulder.

"I love you too, Angel," George smiled fondly. He pushed his cracked open door with his shoulder, letting them both in. He walked over to his bed, and gently laid him down on the soft mattress, making sure his head landed on the fluffy pillows. He quickly walked back to close his door, and made his way back to the bed where his lover was. Sapnap tugged on his wrist, insisting that he lay down with him. George just chuckled and complied, letting Sapnap pull him down.

"Love you so much," Sapnap said as he cuddled up to George. George chuckled at his neediness.

"I love you so so much, Angel. I always have, and I always will," George promised, placing a gentle kiss on the other's lips right after. And Sapnap knew it was true. George never lies about love, and his love towards people. His heart has been broken before, and he refuses to let anyone feel that pain on his behalf.

791 words

I literally wrote this in the middle of French class for you guys💀

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