72|Captial Hill

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Riley's POV
Wanda walked with me to Nat's room. We chatted calmly on the five minute walk, Nat's room wasn't too far away. I knocked on the door gently. Only to find the door unlocked and open so my knocking just pushed it open further. In my panic I tried to quickly grab the handle and close the door again only to have the door open further after I missed the handle. I just sighed and gave up. Looking side the room I saw Nat chuckling from on her bed, clearly laughing at me.

"Your are so rude. You did that on purpose" I tell her, pouting.

"I wish I could take credit for whatever just happened, but it was all you" Natasha says, still smiling widely.

"how could Nat have even done that, only you could manage to do that Riley. There is just absolutely no way Natasha could have ever done that on purpose" My girlfriend tells me, chuckling.

"You guys are so mean" I say, pouting.

"Back to the point. I need to debrief you and what you are supposed to do. I know this is kinda sudden but Tony didn't tell us he was sorting it out and proceeded to just land them news on us before we were prepared" Nat's says, I just nod, insisting for her to continue.

"You need to make sure not to kill anyone as a first point" Nat tells me, I grin and look towards Wanda, she just shakes her head.

"I knew it! I just told Wanda about that earlier" I say, Nat sighs and goes to continue.

"You just have to arrive in your suit, wait for a few seconds until we are inside. Swing in, say hi. And then just sit there and answer any questions. I know it sounds kinda stupid but to quote Fury, we need the public on our side, even after saving the world a few times the people still don't know what to think about us" Nat says kinda grumpily. Wanda nods, having the same expression on her face.

"Saving the world on multiple occasions should be enough. People are so judgey sometimes. Everyone has different pasts but that does not define who they are. Its all ridiculous" I say, knowing Natasha is taking this personally with her time at the red room. Wanda hugs Natasha, thinking the same thing as me.

Nat just smiles at us, unsure of what to say.

"We leave in half an hour so Riley you can get into your suit now and get whatever you need so we can just leave as soon as we need to. We do actually need to be a little bit early as it looks better on us, even though tony would much rather be 'fashionably late' you did bring your suit dint you?" Natasha asks.

Nodding I pick up what I need and go into the bathroom to change. "I'll just be a minute" I say, closing the door.

I take my top off, and go to take my shorts off, only to realise I only brought my mask. "How long do you think it'll take for her Riley to realise she forgot the suit?" I hear Wanda ask Nat.

"Not long, I think she'll be out any minute" Natasha responds.

"I don't think she will realise until she goes to put it on" Wanda says, "I'll bet you a dollar" Wanda adds.

I sigh, walking out the room holding up my middle finger "you guys are mean" I say.

Wanda turns to Nat and 'whispers' "I think she heard us" Nat face palms.

"oh, no shit. And Give me my suit" I say, Wanda has began to float my suit above me. She grins mischievously. Sighing I jump onto the wall and jump of, propelling myself towards the suit, while shooting a web at the ceiling. Holding my suit in one hand and my web in the other I swing back into the bathroom, letting go of the web but still gripping onto the suit.

After putting the suit on I walk back into the room, holding the mask in my hand. "Natasha, what time will we get back?" I ask curiously, remembering the question I had planned to ask.

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