73|It's Official

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General POV
*time skip to a few days later*
Once Riley and the rest of the Avengers that had been to capital hill had arrived back at the compound the Avengers had contacted the interviewer and got him fired. Many of the group had also watched the interview at home and were outraged. Wanda was extremely mad that 'they could ever believe her girlfriends lovely muscles were fake' this caused many to laugh, but Riley to blush. Riley had explained that she didn't mind that much but when Tony asked if she was offended and she had responded with a yes, he made it his mission to get him fired. For once Steve, Tony and Bucky had all agreed on something that was slightly impulsive and a tad unnecessary, that was also Tony's idea. It was a rare occurrence. That something was getting the interviewer fired.

Riley was going back to school tomorrow and she was extremely nervous. Nothing to do with not understanding the work or being behind in class, but everything to do with the other people in the school and what the teachers were going to say. She new it had been sorted with teachers so she was only a little bit nervous to deal with them, but her nerves and anxiety came from what her peers reactions could be. She new teenagers were judgey, and she new that teenagers tended to be blunt, some were just down right mean, so she was terrified to face them.

Wanda was occupying Riley by watching a movie with her and playing with her hair. She was doing little plaits all over Riley's hair while her girlfriend zoned out. Riley fiddled with her hands anxiously, she tried to focus on the movie they were watching but her thoughts dragged her away. Wanda's touch was very grounding though she she tried to focus on that.

Eventually every was called down for dinner. Riley was also partially dreading that, Bucky and Steve had managed to sign the papers and officially adopt Riley, so they were announcing it to the Avengers as no one other than Wanda and Tony new. It had been, surprising, kept a secret as Steve and Bucky had wanted to wait until the papers were signed before telling everyone. Signing the papers had been emotional for everyone, Tony had eventually got the hint to leave. Riley had been very emotional about it, she felt like she was finally free from Hydra, or had been separated from them at least, Now that she had been officially taken away from her 'parents'. She was so pleased that Bucky and Steve had chosen to adopt her. Riley had decided not to change her name even though Tony had offered to sort it out because she new whoever wore her name before her and gave her the name had never been apart of Hydra, so she wanted to keep it.

Riley had almost told Peter on multiple occasions. But had carefully managed to cover it up.

Wanda and Riley walked into the dining room, their hands interlocked and multiple bowls in their hands. The two had retreated back to their room that morning with their cereal as the kitchen was especially loud, many Avengers had woken at the same time and all gone to eat in the kitchen, causing there to be an unusual amount of people in there at one time.

Smiling the couple sat at the table, Wanda was on Riley's left with Bucky one Riley's right, Steve sat next to Bucky. Peter had quickly ran in and sat next to Wanda just to annoy Pietro, who usually sat there. Natasha had seated herself next to Steve, with Clint next to her. It was rare for everyone to be in the kitchen at the same time but Steve has requested for everyone to so they had listened.

Most of them thought they would be discussing Avenger things while eating just to save some time but they would soon be proven wrong.

Once everyone had sat down and began eating Steve coughed loudly, attempting to get everyone's attention. He failed as everyone thought he was just coughing, as people do, so continued eating and carried on with their original conversations. Bucky also tried to cough, but everyone just assumed he was also coughing because people cough. Natasha picked up the point, it watched amused as Bucky and Steve continues to cough. She new they were trying to get everyone's attention but they should have tried clearing their throats as many more people understand that as a way of getting someone's attention over coughing. Natasha sighed, she no longer found it amusing, only painful to watch the horribly failed attempts.

Chuckling under their breaths were Wanda and Riley, they had also picked up on What the super soldiers were trying to do, but similarly to Nat, offered no assistance.

"Okay, everyone. Bucky and Steve are trying to get your attention but 'subtly' coughing. They are o silly failing miserably so here I am helping them out. Pay attention to them so we don't have to listen to any more fake coughing" Natasha caved in, Tony laughed, he, found it hilarious they two super soldiers couldn't even get the attention of a group of their own friends.

"Certainly failed at the subtly with needing Nat's help. Trying clearing your throat that might work better next time, the coughing was a little pathetic" Tony said, a gin present on his face.

"Anyway, moving on, me and Bucky are adopting someone" Steve said with a smile, Bucky grinned next to his boyfriend

"Wait? Really! That so exciting" Sam exclaimed, Natasha smiled widely.

"What's their name? Who is it. How old are they? is it a boy or girl? What's their name? " Peter said smiling. His face grew red when he realised he asked the same question twice.

"Its a girl" Bucky said. "They are 16" he added.

"You might know them actually" Steve added, just teasing everyone.

"Have you officially signed the paper?" Natasha asked, curiously. The two nodded.

"Quit with the suspense! What is their name? And when can we meet her?" Sam said, he was very exited.

"Her name is Riley" Bucky said. Peter looked between Bucky, Steve and Riley. Slowly processing. Many others did the same.

"Oh, My God! Thats so cool, I'm super happy for you Riley!" Peter exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. His best friend was now officially adopted by none other that Captain America and The Winter Soldier/White Wolf. He was so happy for her.

"That was my best guess, you guys already act like her parents anyway. And to be honest I don't think you would do amazing at caring for a young child. You would be great dads, but after the child had reached 10, you are just too busy for that, no offence" Natasha said, she genuinely didn't mean to offend anyone, she was just voicing her thoughts. Both Steve and Bucky nodded, exaggerating it slightly.

"We had thought the exact same thing" They say, almost at the same time.

"I suppose a child running around the compound would be, how do I say things without being rude. Im gone be rude, it would be slightly inconvenient, loud, annoying and irritating. Don't get me wrong, i love children, they are lovely and some are adorable but but sometimes they can be too much. Thats why I am only an uncle, not a father" Sam said, smiling.

"Children can be such pests, most of them are vile" Loki said, grumpily. He hadn't had the best experiences with children when he was in public. One had compared him to professor Snape, only for Thor to laugh and say he does look like the Harry Potter character, another had called him the bogeyman. So Loki had made up his mind that he did not like the young creatures of earth.

Everyone congratulated Riley, Steve and Bucky, who had forced Riley up to bed early saying she had school tomorrow. And while Peter was laughing at her, they had said the exact same thing to him. Everyone found it very amusing. Tony also gloated about getting the adoption papers, only for him to gain multiple slaps from the people that surrounded him.

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