Chapter One

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~*Takemichi's POV*~


   Screams echo around me. I look around. Kids about middle school age line the stairs. Where am I?

   "You better not lose, Hanagaki! I got five hundred on you!"

  "Huh? H—hold on a second!" I shout. More screams about winning and bets fill my ears as I pull out my phone. It's 2005!

  I can travel to the past! I made it Naoto!

   I'm pulled from my thoughts as a fist slams into my face.

   Oh fuck.

   I curl up on the ground as the guy jumps on top of me. I can't do this! This is too scary!


   When I wake up, the older members of the Tokyo Manji Gang are towering over me. I yelp and scoot away.

   "Oh, Kiyomasa~kun! Hanagaki's awake!" Red yells as he stands straight. I look over on the stairs where Red is looking. A third year with a cigarette in his mouth and a scar on his forehead glares at me.

   "The hell was that fight earlier, shit stain?" Red asks. I whip my head around and hold back my tears. Why are they all so scary?

   "," I say, desperately looking for an answer. But my voice trails. It doesn't matter. They're going to beat me anyway. And they do. But that's what happens.

   If you lose, they beat you again, almost as if it's for good measure.

   Kiyomasa never moves from the stairs, just sits there with his cigarette and horrifying glare.

   I don't know how long I sit curled in a ball, Red kicking me and hurling insults my way, but it feels like forever. Red finally huffs and shouts, "This is stupid! The fucker won't open up. Let's go, Kiyomasa~kun!"

   Red and the group he brought down with him stomp off. Kiyomasa stands and faces his back to me. I sit up and stare at them.

   I'll never find Sano Manjirou or Kisaku Tetta at this rate! I can't do it! Not a slave like me! I'm sorry, Naoto! I can't save your sister!

   I grit my teeth despite myself. I have to do this! No matter how scary...

   "Kiyomasa~kun!" I shout, my moment of courage quickly dissipating.

   They all turn around and glare at me. I hold back a scream and swallow the bile rising in my throat.

   "What?" Kiyomasa asks.

   "I—I want to meet one of the leaders. Sano Manjirou or Kisaki Tetta...?" I ask. Kiyomasa turns his body completely around and hardens his glare.

   "What was that?" He asks.

   "I—I want to see Sano Manjirou or Kisaki Tetta..."

   Kiyomasa growls. "Give me my bat."

   "Bat...?" I mutter. The fear settled deep within my stomach. There's no doubt—he's going to kill me.

   For hours, Kiyomasa hits me with the bat. Upper back, legs, rolls me over to hit my stomach. For hours until after it's dark, I stay curled in a ball with tears and blood staining my face.

   "Kiyomasa~kun, it's getting late," one of his friends says. I don't know which one it is from where I am. "Let's get going."

   Kiyomasa huffs and grabs my collar. "Keep Mikey~kun's name out of your mouth." He drops me and walks away. A couple of his friends look back at me in what seems to be pity, but I'm not sure.

A Future Without You is Soon |Mikey x OC|Where stories live. Discover now