Chapter Fifty-Four

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   Kakucho must have hit Takemichi over a dozen times. With the strength of those punches, it's a feat he's still standing. Takemichi has gotten a few clean hits off on Kakucho. He actually looks at tired as Takemichi, as hard as it is to believe.

   Kakucho throws more punches at Takemichi. They connect to a guard but blocking his punches are taking their toll on Takemichi's arms.

   "How much do I have to beat you up until you fall down?" Kakucho asks between ragged breaths.

   "I told you, I won't go down!" Takemichi snaps. Takemichi swings punches wildly. All he wants is to hit something. It doesn't matter what it is he hits. He just need to be something.

   Etsu flies in between them. Takemichi's gaze follows her for a moment. "Etsu~san!" Takemichi raises his arms, barely stopping Kakucho's fist from connecting to his temple.

   Etsu rolls backwards, planting her feet into the dirt to stop herself. "I'm fine!" She spits off to the side. It's deep red. "Worry about yourself!"

   "Ah, Etsu," Hanma says. "You were always so boring before. It's nice to see you have some spirit now."

   "Shut the hell up, bitch!" Etsu snaps. She charges forward and exchanges punches with Hanma. The two are pretty evenly matched.

   "Come on~" Hanma says. "You'll never reach Shiho at this rate!"

   Etsu grits her teeth and backs up a little. "What do you know?" Etsu hisses. She lunges forward, elbow extended out in front of her. It connects smoothly to Hanma's stomach. "You don't know me!" As Hanma double over, she grabs a handful of his hair. "And you don't know how far I'm willing to go for my friends!"

   Etsu reels her fist back and connects it square into Hanma's nose. He flies backwards, again, almost hitting Takemichi or Kakucho. Only this time, neither of them flinch. They don't even look away. Takemichi is painfully aware.

   If I look away, I'm dead!

   It's the only think he can think. There are no other thoughts.

   Takemichi wants to try something other than a punch, but he isn't sure it'll work out. If it doesn't...

   He can't risk it.

   It doesn't look like Kakucho kicks much either. Takemichi isn't sure if he isn't balanced enough or if he just isn't good at them, but he doesn't. This is an all out brawl. One of the most important ones on the field. Takemichi can't afford to lose for a lot of different reasons, and Kakucho can't let his own team's moral drop much more than it already has.

   Plus there's still Mikey and Shiho to deal with. Etsu seems adamant about handling Shiho herself, but Takemichi has things he wants to say to her too. He isn't sure how he's meant to do that while he's trading blows with Kakucho, though.

   He might need some help...

   He can worry about that later.

   Takemichi aims a punch for Kakucho's stomach, but Kakucho's ready for it. He grabs Takemichi's wrists and pulls him through. Kakucho raises his knee into Takemichi's sternum.

   Takemichi stumbles backwards and starts coughing. Nausea floods his stomach, but he can't focus on it long enough for it to matter. Kakucho continues to attack Takemichi.

   Kakucho gets his jaw, temple, and nose. Takemichi can taste blood and bile in his throat. Damn, that hurts!

Can he win this fight? He's so focused on different things, he isn't sure he can really handle Kakucho right now.

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