Chapter 1: Buy a house and get ghosts.

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Chapter 1: Buy a house and get ghosts.

Cheng Qingyin woke up from her dream, sweating, and was stunned for a long time before she recovered.

Last night, she had a long and real dream, and now she knows that she is in a novel called "Fake Daughters Are Popular in the Entertainment Industry".

Tang Qianqian, the heroine of the novel, was the fake daughter who was wrongly held. After learning the truth, the parents of the rich Cheng family completely ignored 15 years of affection. For the sake of the real daughter, when she needed them the most, they announced the truth of their births and drove her out of the house.

This made Tang Qianqian, who was emerging in the entertainment industry, get into trouble. The rich beauty persona collapsed, and she was labeled as a fake daughter who occupied the magpie's nest. She had countless black powder, and the industry looked down on her and made her suffer.

However, the Cheng family and these blind people never thought that Tang Qianqian had actually been reborn since childhood, and she also had a magical good luck system.

By collecting people's favor for her, she can exchange beauty, excellent works, various skills, and a series of magical pills in the system.

With the magical goodwill system, she became popular in the entertainment industry and made friends with all kinds of bosses, which made many young talents, rich businessmen, and celebrities like her.

Those who once bullied and despised her were fiercely slapped in the face. Among them is the Cheng family, the culprit, which was the most unforgivable. One of her admirers, Zhang Kun, suppressed them and they went bankrupt.

Before long, Cheng Fenglin, the head of the Cheng family, committed suicide because he was forced to jump off a building in debt. The hostess Meng Xiang couldn't stand the blow of losing her husband and chose to commit suicide.

As for Cheng Qingyin, the real daughter who made the Cheng family couple abandon the heroine, left her heavily indebted parents, and went abroad alone after the Cheng family went bankrupt. She was ruthless and unrighteous.

Cheng Fenglin and his wife mistakenly regarded fisheyes as pearls, and their family was ruined for her, which completely became a joke in the circle of rich families in Dongcheng.

What's more ridiculous is that after the real daughter later learned that her parents died, she unreasonably wanted revenge and went after Tang Qianqian and Zhang Kun.

It is said that this real daughter grew up in Taoism, with some mysterious means, but how can she defeat the heroine who has a system? Not long after, the real daughter was defeated and was finally broken by Zhang Kun and thrown on the street to become a beggar.


Cheng Qingyin, who came back to her mind, was furious.

Because no matter how she looks at it, she is indeed the real daughter with the sad ending in the book!

A month ago, Cheng Fenglin told her that she had contacted a top university in the United States for her, trying to let her go abroad for further study.

The school was really good, and she could stay away from the Cheng family who had been pestering her, so she agreed.

If there was no accident, she would indeed fly abroad today, as written in the novel in her dream.

So... has the bankruptcy of the Cheng family happened?

Her relationship with the Cheng family is cold, and all her goodwill has been denied for three years.

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