Chapter 54: Famous Air City.

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Chapter 54: Famous Air City.

The little Taoist priest delayed the whole day in the voyage city. Qi Yunguan, who returned to the mountain until dark, brought very bad news to Songfeng Dao Chang.

All three rich businessmen, who have been pestered by fierce ghosts for a long time, have all recovered and can't see what they are haunted by yin.

"They have been pestered by fierce ghosts for more than half a month. How can they be in such a good state!" Looking at the photos of the three people secretly taken by the little Taoist priest, the Taoist priest Songfeng frowned fiercely, "Have they been in contact with any Xuanmen recently?"

So far, even if he doesn't want to accept it, he must face this reality. A very powerful Xuanmen came to the Hangcheng and intervened in the affairs of the three families.

"The Zhang family and the He family both hired a female master surnamed Cheng."

"Surname Cheng...?" Song Feng thought for a long time, but he didn't think of whether any school could reach this level of strength. His surname was Cheng or a woman.

Thinking of this, it must be a roadless and unsected.

What matters is that since the fierce ghost he sent no longer responded to his call, it showed that the imprisonment on her body had been erased.

To erase the confinement, you must catch ghosts.

His ghosts all have celestial master detectors and powerful ghosts. How on earth did this wild road catch the female fierce ghost?

This female celestial master must have a way not to be detected by the celestial master detector.

If he can master the method of breaking through the Tianshi detector, his business scope can be improved several times. At that time, he must be reused by the sect and transfer him to the imperial capital, Dongcheng, one of the best cities in the country.

With this calculation in his heart, he said:

"Go and find out where the heavenly master surnamed Cheng settled in Hangcheng. I'm going to meet her in person!"

The little Taoist priest quickly inquired about Cheng Qingyin's residence. The next morning, Cheng Qingyin received a call from the property management. A Songfeng Taoist priest claimed to be her visitor and asked if he would let him in.

Cheng Qingyin naturally did not agree.

Song Feng can refine ordinary ghosts into fierce ghosts. I don't know how many insidious tricks there are. She was not afraid, but she had to prevent him from attacking her parents and the bodyguards of her family.

Well, of course, it's better not to let him in.

However, people still want to see.

Since this man came to the door, she must know that the female ghost was taken by her, and most of the people were not good. She also had to see the man's strength.

"Miss Cheng, this old gentleman is looking for you!"

The doorman is respectful.

Cheng Qingyin looked at the old man standing under the umbrella at the doorman. He had white hair, held his hair in a bun and wore a Taoist robe. At first glance, he seemed to be very old, but from the breath emitted all over his body, his skills would not exceed 30 years. Like ordinary Xuanmen people, he cultivated the true yang. And she cultivates a purer aura and has the skills handed down by her master. If it is a fighting method, she will not be afraid to have ten more such skills.

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