Chapter 57: Her biggest secret was exposed.

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Chapter 57: Her biggest secret was exposed.

With trepidation, Tang Qianqian dressed up carefully and went to the restaurant agreed with Lu Yan.

This is a difficult private dish to order. She once said she wanted to eat it, but before she waited for the appointment, she met Zhang Kun at the auction, so that she had to leave Lu Yan for the sake of her integrity.

Tang Qianqian's choice of this restaurant gave Tang Qianqian a glimmer of hope. Does Lu Yan still remember that she wants to eat this private dish, does it mean that he doesn't care about her as much as he showed?

Maybe he just left him angrily and chose Gu Junzhuo.

Thinking of this, Tang Qianqian couldn't help but have endless regrets in her heart.

At the beginning, he left because Lu Yan's attitude towards her became cold. Originally, he wanted to stimulate Gu Junzhuo and win better treatment on Lu Yan's side, but Lu Yan looked gentle, but he was more tempered than she thought.

She went to Gu Junzhuo's place for so long that he didn't take the initiative to contact her at all.

If she had known that Gu Junzhuo had been so vulnerable, she would not have left angrily at that time. Now she has to take the initiative to come back to Lu Yan. She has lost all her back and status.

After waiting for a long time, Tang Qianqian waited for Lu Yan to arrive.

Lu Yan was still as gentle and noble as ever. As soon as he saw her, he smiled gently.

"Qianqian, why did you come so early? I thought you would arrive later."

This made Tang Qianqian blush. In the past, in order to take Joe, they asked her out, and she was usually late for various reasons.

"Ayan, don't make fun of me. I didn't mean to be late before, because I often tripped over work. I haven't announced recently. I'm not as busy as before. I'm waiting for you in advance today.

"It seems that something happened to the starlight, and even you were affected."

Lu Yan said something indiciously that he stopped talking about his work, but focused on tasting delicious food.

Moreover, the meal was not the two of them together, and Lu Yan asked his assistant to sit down and eat together.

This has never happened before.

This immediately dashed the hope that had just risen in Tang Qianqian's heart.

With an assistant here, some words are naturally inconvenient to say. I can't taste it after a meal.

After dinner, Lu Yan's assistant reminded:

"Mong Xiao Lu, there is an important meeting at 3:30 p.m. You have to hurry up."

I found that Lu Yan, who was hard to see, was about to leave, and Tang Qianqian couldn't calm down:

"Ayan, we agreed to talk about things before."

Lu Yan looked at the time on the watch and said:

"There is still a little time. You can go to the company with me."

After taking the bus to the office building of the Lu family, Lu Yan did not take her to the living room next to him, but went straight to his office.

He sat in the boss's chair behind the desk and made a request gesture across the spacious desk.

There is only a place opposite the desk in the room, and there is a simple office chair.

The two sides sat down like this, which made Tang Qianqian feel like a subordinate called by him to talk to, and she was even more uneasy.

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