Chapter 19: Three domestic slaves have never come to a good end...

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Chapter 19: Three domestic slaves have never come to a good end...

"Dad, wait, listen to my explanation!"

Zhang Kun said hurriedly.

The rest of the people present didn't know, but he knew it. Qianqian was inside, and she would definitely hear what her father said.

She tried her best to save his father, but how sad her father should be to treat her.

He is still pursuing Qianqian. Her father's disgust with her will inevitably push her away from him.

"Dad, I have something very important to tell you alone. It's definitely not because of personal affairs!"

He said solemnly, and his eyes were full of pleas.

Zhang Yuxiong's eyes were cold. After so many things, is his stupid son still obsessed?

He wants to see what other flowers he can say.

Zhang Yuxiong asked others to leave a certain security force and go out to deal with the bodyguards left by Zhang Hu in the corridor first.

Everyone dispersed, and there was only two father and son left in the ward.

Zhang Kun immediately said eagerly:

"Dad, you have a misunderstanding about Qianqian. I didn't have time to tell you that you can wake up from the state of a vegetable man this time, all depends on Qianqian..."

Zhang Yuxiong looked at him suspiciously.

Zhang Kun said that Tang Qianqian could cure difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and learned from the unique function of robbing people in the hands of the King of Hell, and listed two cases he knew.

One is Lu Yan's father, who fell into a coma after a stroke and was said to be very likely to become a vegetative. As a result, he was discharged from the hospital in a few days, and there were no sequelae at all.

The other is the mother of shipping giant Lin Chaoyang, who is said to have advanced cancer and later recovered.

He didn't pay much attention to these two incidents before. He just thought he had hired a good doctor. Unexpectedly, in his son's mouth, it was actually the credit of Tang Qianqian's woman.

It's not easy to inquire about, but he knows that Lu Yan's father, Lu Zhiheng, has no objection to Lu Yan's pursuit of Tang Qianqian.

Originally, he also felt a little difficult to understand. The son of the richest man, and he was still about to inherit the family business, actually seriously pursued an actor and passed the bright road with his parents. Did Lu Zhiheng lose his brain?

If you add this reason your son said, it makes sense.

However, he still feels unreasonable to convince him that a young woman who has never learned any medical knowledge can cure so many difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

His son was fascinated by the woman and couldn't make up any lies.

"What are the evidences of what you said?"

Zhang Kun was stunned. It was really difficult to find vouchers from the Lu family and the Lin family. Qianqian is seriously injured now, and it is impossible to find someone to verify it in person. Then the only proof is his father himself.

"Dad, do you think I'm lying to you? What was wrong with your previous body? Just call an uncle or a hospital doctor to ask."

"Besides, touch your skull by yourself, which lifts a large piece of the skull during the operation. Even if it's ready, you can only install the alloy skull. Now, do you have any scar on your head except for not having long hair?"

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