Chapter 55: It's hard to find a rune.

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Chapter 55: It's hard to find a rune.

Zhang Yuqing and others are all five thunder symbols painted by Cheng Qingyin in their hands, and they are not afraid of fierce ghosts.

But they can also understand the panic of other rich businessmen at this time.

They thought that if they served Songfeng and Qi Yunguan's Taoist priests, they could not only breathe, but also leave hidden dangers. But just now in the Public Security Bureau, they learned that there seemed to be an entire sect on Songfeng.

ThisTM is scary.

Xuanmen people have a lot of strange means. Who can guarantee that the people on Songfeng will not summon fierce ghosts to retaliate against them after learning about the Hangcheng.

Moreover, listening to Song Feng's meaning, he still has several fierce ghosts in his hand. They can let the police catch him, but they can't catch his fierce ghosts.

No one can guarantee that those fierce ghosts will not avenge their masters.

Everyone present has experienced fierce ghost threats in the past. If those fierce ghosts of Qi Yunguan want to kill them, they will be found wherever they hide. They can't prevent them, and they can directly confuse them to jump off the building or chop people with knives. If they die in vain.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Master Cheng."

With that, he immediately dialed Cheng Qingyin's phone number.

"Master Cheng, I have some rich businessmen in the Hangcheng. I want to find you to exorcise ghosts, and ask for two more five thunder charms and so on. Is it convenient for you?"

"Okay, okay, let's come straight to your house."

After hanging up the phone, nearly a hundred rich businessmen drove and quickly arrived at the Jade Flower Language where Cheng Qingyin lived.

Zhang Yuqing got out of the car and negotiated with the doorman:

"We are all guests of Miss Cheng Qingyin in Building 62. She should have greeted you."

The security guards looked at the endless row of luxury cars behind him and were a little dumbfounded.

Miss Cheng said that there were visitors, but she didn't say so many.

However, the community used to live in rich people, and there will indeed be so many guests at home, but he has never met so many guests. It's a little amazing to watch this scene.

When the rich merchants stopped their cars and rushed to the Cheng family together, the Cheng family of three were eating. Hearing someone ringing the doorbell, Cheng Qing said:

"It should be Mr. Zhang and others who have arrived."

With that, she put down her bowls and chopsticks and went out to pick people up. In order to treat guests, the Cheng family followed.

Crossing the small yard, as soon as I went out, I saw a dark man on the road inside the community outside the big iron gate. Wearing suits, floral shirts, sunglasses, big gold chains, jade brands, all of them are all magnificent.

The Cheng family thought that it was Zhang Kun's genre to find trouble, and they were frightened.

"What do they do, husband? Let's call the police!" Meng Xiang pulled out his mobile phone in a panic.

It was Cheng Qingyin who recognized Zhang Yuqing and stopped her:

"Mom, it's okay. It's Mr. Zhang."

"Why are there so many people..." Cheng Fenglin said puzzledly.

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