Chapter 71: Pay the Price.

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Chapter 71: Pay the Price.

Take a blood-debted monster for your own use and sign a master-servant contract?

Even if this monster is really powerful, Cheng Qingyin did nothing.

The strength she wants cannot be based on the blood, tears and life of others, which is the principle. Moreover, there are always hidden dangers in the power drawn by harming others.

"I don't need it..."

Before she finished her words, she saw the black smoke on the ground turning into a sharp arrow and suddenly shot into her eyebrows.

"Go to hell!"

The black fog just retracted the support for Tang Qianqian's appearance, recovered part of her strength, and had quietly broken through the shackles of heaven and earthly net. Obviously, the so-called willingness to follow Cheng Qingyin just wanted her to take it lightly and sneak attack.

Fortunately, Cheng Qingyin seemed to be relaxed, but in fact, she was always vigilant. As soon as the smoke moved, she had noticed something strange.

At this time, the black fog with all her strength hit Cheng Qingyin's merit barrier. A moment of blocking gave Cheng Qingyin a chance to fight back. She threw a thunder charm that had long been drawn.

A bucket of thick thunder and lightning flashed out of thin air in an instant and hit the black fog fiercely.

Tianlei is the nemesis of monsters, not to mention that day, thunder is still the power of merit.

The black fog was chopped by lightning and screamed like a bird falling on a high-voltage network and turned into flying ashes in struggle.

The thunder in the room was loud and deafening, and even the whole house felt a little shaking.

The black fog completely disappeared, and the huge movement brought by the thunder roared and subsided.

The bodyguard servants outside the house were stunned by the terrible movement, and Tang Qianqian in the center of the storm in the house was even more shocked.

Cheng Qingyin checked and confirmed that the charm had completely disappeared, and recycled the charm drawn with merit, and then opened the door.

"Call and tell you, the blaming monster has been killed."

In the fight just now, the food in the room was overturned, and all kinds of furnishings were in a mess. She didn't want to stay there, so she went downstairs.

The bodyguard immediately took the order to call Lu Guangyao. Not long after, he ran over and said respectfully to Cheng Qingyin:

"Miss Cheng, the old man said that he was taking the young master here. At that time, I have to ask you to check the young master. Please wait again."

Cheng Qingyin nodded, went to the roof to take back the golden bell magic weapon left by his master, and then sat in the conference living room on the first floor and had tea.

During the waiting time, she took stock of her new achievements by the way. Unexpectedly, not only did all the merit she had used before returned, but also nearly doubled.

Although this charm is indeed guilty, killing it can get so much more merit than she expected. This is even more than assisting the police in exposing the crimes of the Zhang family a while ago.

After thinking for a while, she realized why.

On the one hand, she is a person who kills the charm and monopolizes all the merits.

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