Chapter 91: Form an Alliance.

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Chapter 91: Form an Alliance.

Standing outside the construction site is not a place to talk about things. Cheng Qingyin simply invited them to the construction site.

When several people walked in, they felt the subtle difference between this place and the energy field outside.

Several Taoist priests felt very novel when they learned that the workers who came and went busy building buildings were ghosts.

Compared with the obsesscious ghosts they usually see, these ghosts are so resentful that it is easy to ignore.

And the construction site can't feel too strong gloom from the outside or inside, and the ghosts on the construction site are obviously ordinary ghosts, and they can touch the physical object without hinderance.

I have to say that this Cheng Daoyou is really powerful.

Several people were taken to an obviously temporary tin house, where several male and female ghosts were busy in front of the computer, and there were many construction site construction materials, financial information, etc. on the table, which was no different from the offices in those companies outside.

Seeing Cheng Qingyin bringing people in, several ghosts were a little surprised, but they were not afraid. It can be seen how much security Cheng Qingyin gave them.

Cheng Qingyin's warm speech:

"Everyone, borrow your office to talk about something first, and give me an independent space first?"

Several ghosts reluctantly left the workstation, and another female ghost told him with confidence:

"Master, be careful not to touch the financial software on my desktop. I have to keep the bill when I come back later!"

Maoshan Taoist priests: ...

These ghosts are really dedicated to their jobs.

As soon as the two sides sat down, another female ghost floated in, holding several bottles of mineral water in her hand in front of several Taoist priests and Cheng Qingyin, and smiled apologetically:

"I'm sorry, there is no water dispenser or tea on our construction site. We can only bring some mineral water from the security guards to entertain you."

Get rid of the appearance of a company's executive girl.

Several Taoist priests feel a little trance. Except for walking and drifting, these ghosts are faster than ordinary people, and their other behavior styles are no different from living people.

The young Taoist priest accidentally said his feelings.

Cheng Qingyin smiled and said:

"They were human beings in their lives, and we will become ghosts after death. How much difference can we make a difference between the way of thinking?"

This made several Taoist priests stunned.

They have never heard anyone define the boundaries of human beings and ghosts in this way.

But although this view is novel, it is reasonable and thought-provoking.

They will also become ghosts after death, and all living people can't escape such fate.

...Then when they die, will they be treated as evil beasts by their peers and then quickly?

It would be more sad if you still kept your life's thoughts and remembered, did nothing bad, but were shouted and killed by his former peers.

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