Chapter 67: The Truth of That Year.

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Chapter 67: The Truth of That Year.

Some fragments that she forgot for unknown reason flashed like snowflakes in her mind.

"Auntie, I taught Qianqian's sister to recite "Silent Night Thinking" today!"

A little girl with not exquisite facial features, but white and tender, raised her little face and looked naive and eager to praise.

Her heart softened, touched the top of her hair, and praised softly, "Niu Niu is really an excellent little teacher!"


The little girl's face and arms were full of scars, and she looked stubborn in the face of her mother's scolding:

"They bullied Qianqian's sister, and I'm going to beat them! I'll play it next time!"

She was moved and unbearable, and she pulled the young woman who wanted to continue to beat the little girl:

"Chunmei, don't hit her. Niuniu did it for Qianqian. Niuniu is a good sister!"


The little girl hugged her and said softly:

"Auntie, when my uncle picks you up, will I never see you and Qianqian's sister again?"

"I can't bear to part with you!"

She comforted in a soft voice:

"It doesn't matter. When you get older, your aunt will pick you up to the city to read with your sister."


She remembered that all the memories were remembered!

Meng Xiang trembled all over, shuddering and angry.

At this moment, she finally understood how her daughter was seamlessly replaced, and what role Tang Qianqian played in it.

She is not an innocent victim at all!

Things have to start 20 years ago.

At that time, social security was not as good as it is now.

The father-in-law died suddenly, leaving behind the property and company that were already considerable in China at that time. The ambitious Uncle Cheng family of the Wolf tried to grab the family property and repeatedly sent someone to assassinate her and her husband.

In order to ensure the safety of her and her daughter, Cheng Fenglin sent her and her daughter, who was more than two months old, to a remote rural village village village, asking acquaintance, to take care of her.

Meng Xiang was only in her twenties at that time. She had been a delicate girl who had no fingers to touch the spring water since she was a child. She couldn't take care of herself and her daughter in such a place where life was extremely inconvenient in the countryside, but she was not short of money, so she hired a woman with family difficulties to help with housework and take care of her children.

That woman is Tang Qianqian's mother, Li Chunmei.

Li Chunmei worked with her for a period of time, and the two gradually got acquainted with each other. Meng Xiang gradually understood the situation of the Tang family. Li Chunmei came out to help her, and her daughter could only ask the old lady of the Tang family to help her.

Mr. Tang is too patriarchal and doesn't care about the child at all. Once, he even let the child who could climb fall into the pond and almost drowned. After it was picked up, he was also seriously ill.

Meng Xiang was a mother at that time, and the children could not suffer, so he asked Li Chunrong to bring the children to work here.

That child was Tang Qianqian. At that time, her name was not Tang Qianqian. The name Qianqian was the name of her own daughter who replaced. Because the family favored boys over girls, Tang Qianqian was not seriously named at that time, but shouted by big girls or girls.

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