Chapter 70: A Cunning System.

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Chapter 70: A Cunning System.

As early as the moment when Tang Qianqian did not hesitate to turn on Zhang Kun, Cheng Qingyin had confirmed that Tang Qianqian was very afraid of being disgusted.

This is also a projection of systematic attitude.

Because if the system selectively only absorbs people's favors, they will never care about the gains and losses of reputation for a while.

Black and red is also red. After bringing more attention, let black turn into fans can win favors more efficiently than being true, kind and beautiful.

However, looking at Tang Qianqian's acting history, she has never done so.

This is enough to prove that negative emotions as opposed to goodwill can have a negative impact on the system.

Only in this way can it give up efficiency and always urge Tang Qianqian to maintain a perfect personality.

This time, the bureau is designed for this weakness of the system.

The video of was widely disseminated throughout the network, and Lu Guangyao's push behind it helped. As long as the system continues to stay on Tang Qianqian, it will always be hit by the negative emotions like huge waves.

At that time, it will inevitably help but escape.

It's just a matter of time. All she has to do is wait.

Cheng Qingyin moved a stool and sat two or three meters away from the place where Tang Qianqian fell, paying attention to the change of Tang Qianqian's breath.

Time is slowly passing.

It took a long time for Tang Qianqian to recover from severe pain and fear, and gradually realized that she had been trapped by Lu Guangyao.

The terrible opponent who has been dealing with her secretly recently may have always been Lu Guangyao. He is kind to her just to paralyze her.

With Lu Guangyao, Lu Yan may not be able to stop the spread of the video of Xinhuanet as she asked.

If the situation on the Internet is allowed to expand, she will be completely discredited and there will be no place to turn over.

She also wondered whether she would provoke the system and urged anxiously:

[System, you are about to figure it out. We must escape from here. As long as we can control Lu Guangyao, there will be no time for everything!]

However, the system has never responded to her, as if it didn't exist at all.

She tried to click on the system panel, but found that no matter how you call for your mind, the transparent panel that appeared casually in the past did not appear.

Thinking of what Cheng Qingyin just said, Tang Qianqian was completely panicked.

Has the system left her because the outside world's disgust for her is too serious?

[System! Where are you? Come out quickly!]

She called again and again in her heart, but there was no response.

Tang Qianqian's emotional dam, which had been washed away by fear these days, suddenly collapsed. She didn't care about the pain on her knees and struggled to sit up, full of panic and fear:

"Where are you? Come out quickly! Let's save the situation together!"

"Please, don't leave me alone!"

Although Tang Qianqian did not mention the subject, her panicked look was obviously sudden to find that the biggest reliance had disappeared.

Cheng Qingyin frowned slightly, stood up and looked around vigilantly.

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