Chapter 5: Other real estate developers are afraid of...

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Chapter 5: Other real estate developers are afraid of...

No wonder the blue-haired ghost is so sad. The main reason is that the construction site of the Cheng family is too small.

As the original test work of the Cheng family's tentative entry into the land industry, it has only six buildings, each of which is 34 floors, three of which have been poured, except for interior water and electricity, elevators and facades.

The other three, two of which have been reinforced and poured nearly 20 floors. The shortest one has also been built to the tenth floor.

The remaining amount of work is not much. If you add all kinds of mechanical assistance, 40 or 50 ghosts will really not be able to get anything.

As soon as the new ghosts came in, they felt the difference between the construction site and found that they could touch the physical object like in hell without yin qi support. They immediately opened their eyes and smiled.

"That boy is telling the truth! You can really work casually here!"

"There is river sand cement there. I tripped over the wall!"

"I'm a cement worker with 30 years of experience. You go!"

"Why, I found it first!"

The two ghosts fight as soon as they don't agree.

There are more ghosts and fewer lives, and there are not enough tools. Other ghosts soon fell into disputes. Why do dozens of ghosts shout? Grab the work of the job, fight fight, and the construction site is full of mud and sand. This fight directly hit the sand all over the sky.

Cheng Qingyin was caught off his face and sand. He quickly picked up his aura and shouted majesticly:

"Stop it all! If anyone fights again, I won't let him come in to work!"

This threat, coupled with the sound of aura, works better than anything else.

The ghosts who had been in a mess just now suddenly stopped and looked at the seemingly weak girl together.

I was stunned by my work just now, and they didn't notice that there was such a powerful celestial master standing here.

All the ghosts were immediately as quiet as chickens and stood where they were.

Although he can't empathize with him, Cheng Qingyin can still understand how eager ghosts are to work.

Now that they have come, it doesn't seem good for them to come for nothing. Anyway, her goal is to build these houses. More or fewer construction workers actually have no impact on her.

"Is there anyone who worked as a contractor before his death?" She asked loudly.

A round-headed man like a Maitreya Buddha immediately raised his hand.

"What's your name?"

"Master Reporter, my name is Chen Fugui!" Chen Fugui replied respectfully and loudly, and the momentum was like a well-trained soldier.

Cheng Qingyin then issued a command:

"Chen Fugui, you are responsible for simply interviewing the work experience of other ghosts, and then planning them to assign them to the right position."

"For the quality of the house, as long as you have work experience in relevant industries."

Chen Fugui immediately took the order happily and began to count and simple interviews.

Originally, I thought it should be going well, but I didn't expect something went wrong halfway.

There seems to be something dispute in the interview team.

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