Chapter 79: Become a prisoner.

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Chapter 79: Become a prisoner.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xingluo picked up his aura and pulled out his legs and ran away.

The door was locked, and he quickly picked up his aura and chopped it at the door with his bare hands.

In order not to cause trouble to Cheng Qingyin, the fierce ghosts decided to wait for him to go out, so they followed slowly and patiently waited for him to open the door.

Cheng Qingyin directly trapped the two fierce ghosts thrown by Xing Luoxin, and then lifted the imprisonment of their foreheads.

In order to solve all the troubles at one time, after taking care of the two ghosts, she asked Lu Guangyao to take out a glass of ice water from the living room and poured his head on Xuanjun, who fainted.

Stimulated by the ice water, Xuanjun, who was corona, woke up immediately.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Cheng Qingyin standing in front of him, retreating with fear.

Cheng Qingyin didn't mean to do it, but said in a low voice:

"Your uncle is running away. Don't you run?"

Xuan Jun turned his head and saw that Xingluo had opened the door and ran out of the yard.

Generally speaking, the uncles who came from the world are not Cheng Qingyin's opponents. Naturally, Xuanjun will not do anything to hit stones with pebbles. He got up decisively and ran out like wind and lightning.

As he ran, he shouted:

"Uncle, wait for me!"

The two quickly ran out of the gate, and Cheng Qingyin chased behind them slowly and did not go out of the gate.

A few fierce ghosts chased them like lightning.

A fierce ghost took the lead in dodge into the car parked by the roadside, and the destinations of Xingluo Xuanjun and others were obviously there.

"Come on, drive away!"

Xingluo ran to the car and patted the door anxiously.

However, the little Taoist priest inside did not respond, as if he fainted.

Obviously, this is a fierce move.

Behind him was not only fierce ghosts chasing, but also Cheng Qingyin, a demon star. Xingluo was in a hurry to run for his life and couldn't take so much care of it. He directly pulled the little Taoist priest off the driver's seat and drove by himself.

Xuan Jun also caught up with this delay. Seeing that his uncle had reached the driver's seat, he quickly opened the back seat door and sat up.

This is the opportunity that the fierce ghosts are waiting for. How can they be easily let go?

At this time, they got into the car one after another.

Not long after, the newly started car began to shake left and right, and then accelerated like oil on the floor, hit the fence used for protection by the lake. Not to mention breaking the fence, it rushed straight into the lake.

Cheng Qingyin turned around calmly, went back to get his mobile phone, and then dialed the property management phone.

"Hey, property management? On the other side of Building 58, a car rushed into the lake."

This delay, coupled with the reaction time of the property management, the rescue time of launching the water, and the time when people were fished up, it was ten minutes later.

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