Chapter 81: This is also a waste of precious manpower...

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Chapter 81: This is also a waste of precious manpower...

With a few new fierce ghosts, Cheng Qingyin is not so worried about the safety of the construction site.

It took two days to arrange all the lifting array of the remaining three construction sites, and she urged the real estate developers to send the equipment and materials to the site quickly.

The real estate developers who received the phone were very surprised. Didn't they say they would enter the market within 15 days? In just a few days, the workers were found?

More importantly, when asked other developers, they also received calls to urge materials and equipment.

So, in five days, she found all the workers on the five construction sites?

Developers are really incredible. This is not the first time they have cooperated with construction contractors. They are often used to delaying the start of construction because they can't attract workers. Master Cheng, she agreed for half a month. In fact, it was only five days, and all the workers on the five construction sites were recruited.

I always feel very unrealistic.

In order to be down-to-earth, after each of the five developers ventiled, they decided to go to their construction site in person.

The scorching sun was like fire. Mr. Tan of Shengxiang Real Estate Company came outside his construction site. A large iron gate and wall were blocked outside. I couldn't see what was inside, but before people approached, they heard the jingling sound of construction inside.

He was trying to approach the gate, but he was stopped by several patrol security guards:

"Sir, the construction is heavy, and idle people are not allowed to enter."

Mr. Tan identified himself, and the security guard called, and then opened the door to let him and his assistant in.

As soon as Mr. Tan walked in, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

As soon as I entered the site today, one-third of the sites on the construction site have been equipped with high poles to set up sunshade cloth.

Under the sunshade cloth, some places are being leveled with a static press, and the other part has dug up the foundation. In addition to machine excavation, there are also manuals to help. The workers lined up from the pit to stand outside the pit, hand after another, and quickly uploading the earth-covered frame. There are more than 20 groups in such a queue, which is no slower than the excavator next to it.

Mr. Tan looked at their earth basket, which made his eyes spery. I really couldn't figure out how those workers could be so fast.

Moreover, there are more than ten people in this team, and there are more than 300 in the 20th group!

How difficult it is to recruit workers now. Master Cheng's team actually uses so many workers to dig up the earth. It's simply too violent!

Thinking about this, a foreman ran over and bowed to him:

"Hello, Mr. Tan. I'm the foreman in charge of the construction site. My surname is Li."

Mr. Tan stretched out his hand and tried to shake hands with him, but the other party stepped back:

"We rude people, I was working dirty hands just now, so I didn't shake hands!"

With that, he showed his hands stained with dirt, and Mr. Tan had to give up.

I don't know if it's because of the light. The foreman's face turned pale. Mr. Tan looked at the hot sun and said:

"It's so hot. Why don't you take a break and don't have heatstroke?"

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