Chapter 95: I'm a little wrong with Cheng Qingyin, this little girl...

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Chapter 95: I'm a little wrong with Cheng Qingyin, this little girl...

The place I met was neither in the Phoenix Mountain Cemetery nor at a construction site, but in a wilderness tomb.

Before going to the appointment, Cheng Qingyin was also reminded by the female ghost on the construction site to cover up her breath and go again.

It was so mysterious that Cheng Qingyin was more curious about the identity of the leader and the current situation of hell.

He showed himself restraint. At 12 p.m., Cheng Qingyin followed the navigation to the place designated by the other party.

The car can only stop by the side of the road, and you have to take a densely weed path to reach the wild grave designated by the other party.

In the sparsely populated countryside, frogs and insects can only be heard in my ears. Even if there is a crescent moon in the sky, it is close to darkness around it. He hit the flashlight and walked for more than ten minutes to see the weeded grave bag.

"Master Cheng, please come to the circle."

A neutral male voice came out of the grave bag with echoes, which looked very strange in the inaccessible late night wilderness. As soon as he finished his voice, a transparent aperture lit up around the grave.

Cheng Qingyin did not take the lead in action, but perceived the energy operation of the aperture and confirmed that it was just a boundary to isolate external prying, so he walked in with confidence.

As soon as she entered, she found a wisp of blue smoke coming from the grave bag. Then, a ghost like a middle-aged man in a round-necked robe and a hairman in a bun appeared in front of her.

Seeing his appearance clearly, Cheng Qingyin was very surprised.

She has never seen such a ghost. His breath is very gentle. There is no resentment that ghosts will have at all, but his strength is very strong. At first glance, it may even be above her.

But the ghost did not show arrogance because of its strength, but bowed to her politely:

"My name is Lu Ying. Master Cheng forgives you for calling you to this wilderness in the middle of the night, but now the situation in hell is tense. For your safety, we have to be cautious.

Cheng Qingyin nodded to express his understanding and took the opportunity to ask:

"Mr. Lu, what's going on in hell now?"

She has always felt that there is something wrong with the policy of the new King of Hell. All kinds of new policies are like making ghosts complain.

The leader brought an explosive news to Cheng Qingyin:

"Today's uncorrectly won the throne, he was not appointed through Tiandao screening, but controlled the hell by imprisoning his predecessor of hell to steal the seal of hell, which is not a real god. In order to prevent the restoration of his predecessor Hell and his loyal subordinates, he promulgated a new policy, which made the hell full of resentment and accumulated strength for himself.

Cheng Qingyin was shocked for a long time.

But think about it carefully, those unreasonable New Deals are indeed not as wise masters screened by heaven. It makes sense to say it for personal gain.

"That is to say, the power on which the new hell depends on is resentment? Resentment is the lowest force. Even if he becomes a god, he is not an opponent of the righteous god, is he?

Lu Yingdao:

No matter what kind of strength, it can be won by accumulating enough. The power of merit is too rare, but resentment can be seen everywhere. If he wants to be happy, there is nothing wrong with choosing resentment.

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