Chapter 49: Gu Junzhuo suddenly woke up.

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Chapter 49: Gu Junzhuo suddenly woke up.

Tang Qianqian, who placed all his hopes, had quietly moved out of Gu Junzhuo's villa with all her valuables.

Since she knew that Gu Junzhuo would definitely be sentenced, she did so decisively.

In the past two days, she has clearly thought about the pros and cons.

Gu Junzhuo's reputation on the Internet has been rotten, and now he has been found to be engaged in more serious illegal and criminal activities. Those netizens with a sense of justice are not chasing him and bitten to death.

How many senior officials dare to take this hot potato at this time?

Moreover, even if someone is willing to answer, why did she pay so much for him?

Not many people know her ability so far. She can't guarantee that she will be known by the upper class of the country and will not send her to the laboratory for slicing research.

Even if she is not sent to the laboratory for research, she has to think about herself.

She only has more than 2 million good impressions now, and it may not be enough to exchange pills to cure terminal diseases.

And even if Gu Junzhuo is rescued, the person who designed him behind him will not give up easily. For her, it is already a waste chess that will burst at any time. It's better to keep the favorable value just in case of spending such a waste chess.

Now, what she has to consider is how to seamlessly connect the resources Gu Junzhuo can give and earn more favorable value.

A place like the entertainment industry wants resources and is a high-quality resource. In addition to its extraordinary real skills, it only has a strong enough background.

In terms of acting skills and ability, she is obviously not outstanding enough. Naturally, she can think about it and find a background.

In this regard, no one can give more than Lu Yan.

However, last time Zhang Kun said those slanderous words to Lu Yan, Lu Yan's attitude towards her obviously became cold.

That's why she chose Gu Junzhuo angrily.

During her time with Gu Junzhuo, Lu Yan never took the initiative to contact her.

Now that she is less than a month, she has to take the initiative to go back to Lu Yan. She feels that she can't hold on her face, let alone what Lu Yan thinks of her.

Those who take the initiative to send them to the door will not be cherished and courteous.

But now is not the time for her to be picky.

Cheng Qingyin is staring at it. He not only has the ability to manipulate public opinion, but also forcibly cut off the hypnosis of the system. She must collect enough goodwill as soon as possible to see if the system mall can redeem enough powerful things to get rid of this threat.

Now that although Zhang Kun has been temporarily solved by her, his father Zhang Yuxiong will not be soft-hearted by her betrayal.

If she doesn't pay attention to her safety and falls into Zhang Yuxiong's hands again, although she will not die, she will definitely be worse than death.

The situation is better than that of others, and she can only go to Lu Yan with her scalp.

She took the initiative to call Lu Yan, intending to show weakness under the pretext of asking Lu Yan to help her hire bodyguards, and then naturally accept the protection of the Lu family.

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