Chapter 101: The Yin Chasing.

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Chapter 101: The Yin Chasing.

Cheng Qingyin is tight in his heart.

How could it be so fast!

Obviously, tonight is the time for Qi Yunguan to deliver fierce ghosts to the hell. Normally, at the speed of the hell's reaction, it will take a long time from finding her to discovering the construction sites in her hand, and then implicating ordinary ghosts.

But now, no more than four hours before the delivery time of Qi Yunguan, the hell has ordered the closure of the entrances and exits, intending to liquidate these ghosts.

There must have been something she didn't know about it.

She immediately called Jin Hongzi from Qi Yunguan and asked:

"Has the hell contacted you in advance?"

Jin Hongzi vomited for a long time and finally told the truth. Three days ago, the hell had sent Yin Chai to ask for a fierce ghost. It seemed that something had happened in the hell, which led to the man to speed up the progress of cultivation and greatly increase the demand for fierce ghosts, so Yincha came to ask for ghosts in advance.

Regardless of Jin Hongzi's various accusations and begging for mercy, Cheng Qingyin hung up the phone directly.

She didn't plan to do things like crushing his soul of life, and now is not the time to pursue Qi Yunguan.

So far, they have no value, so she doesn't bother to waste time with them.

What is most important now is to deal with the possible ins and increments that may come at any time, as well as to contact the forces of the ground floor, and do their best to help them win.

Not only out of justice, but more importantly, the master's soul is in their hands.

Not long after they first contacted them three years ago, they took the image information of the master.

She can be sure that the man in the video is indeed her master Xu Wuyuan, not someone else's fake.

Because her master, her soul is completely different from that of □□, which she knew as early as when the master was practicing.

Lu Ying promised her that when they got done, they would definitely give her a satisfactory explanation about her master. But until it comes to it, she can't meet her with Master's soul.

In this regard, Cheng Qingyin felt that it was a transaction and a disguised coercion.

But she has no other choice.

At present, the hell is completely closed. If she doesn't take action, in case the other side of Lu Ying is completely strangled by the new hell, she may no longer have the whereabouts of her master. Even worse, the master will be liquidated by the new king of hell as the Lu Ying.

Therefore, in any case, she has to find a way to send her merits to Lu Ying and others.

After thinking for a long time, she finally made up her mind.

"Wait here to see if any other ghosts come back."

This is her residence in Emerald Flower Language, because it has not been repaired yet, and her parents still live in the next community.

Cheng Qingyin left the ghosts at home and went to the community next door by himself.

At this time, Cheng Fenglin and his wife had fallen asleep, but they were woken up by Cheng Qingyin's sound of opening the door.

The two looked at their daughter sleepily:

"Yinyin, why did you come back so late? Go to bed quickly."

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