Chapter 13: Stroke.

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Chapter 13: Stroke.

When Zhang Hu received an email from Cheng Qingyin in his private mailbox, he only regarded it as a strange spam at first and didn't take it seriously at all.

However, after just a minute, the email opened automatically and displayed it on his computer screen, forcing him to read the content of the email.

Zhang Hu's first reaction was that he was hacked.

But the moment he saw the content clearly, his face couldn't help but show joy.

If what is true in this email, it will definitely have a big blow to Zhang Kun.

The sender seemed to hate Zhang Kun very much, and the evidence was well prepared. Zhang Kun used billions of assets of real estate companies as collateral, and obtained more than 3 billion yuan in cash, all of which were used to suppress the stock price of the Cheng family.

Finally, the short earnings were all picked up by an overseas investment institution, and Zhangjia's real estate company did not get any benefits.

Although there is no practical evidence to prove that Zhang Kun did this to please Tang Qianqian, it is an indisputable fact that he enthusiastically pursues Tang Qianqian. It is also true that Tang Qianqian's fans resent the Cheng family for driving Tang Qianqian out of the house, which made her suffer a lot.

Moreover, no matter how he defends it, it is irrefutable that he invests in so many assets of the family without producing any benefits.

And another thing is to find evidence.

As long as you go to Hangcheng police to inquire, you will know that the victim of this case is Cheng Fenglin's wife, who was previously suppressed by Zhang Kun.

Therefore, in order to chase a woman, Zhang Kun not only caused Uncle Cheng to enter the police station, but also misappropriated more than 3 billion of the company's assets to suppress the Cheng family's stock price!

It's stupid, okay? If he doesn't make good use of these things, he will be a fool!

After verifying the evidence, Zhang Hu found a hacker and sent the evidence to the prestigious elders in the family and two major outside shareholders of the real estate company.

The profits of real estate companies are also part of the dividends of family members at the end of the year. As the manager of the real estate company, Zhang Kun used everyone's cake to chase women, which undoubtedly made a public anger.

More than a dozen stewards of the Zhang family, holding the printed paper evidence, went back to their home angrily to find Zhang Yuxiong and asked him to give an explanation.

"Brother, the family's family's family was made by all of us together, and our heads were pinned on the belts. It's really chilling for Ak Kun to profligate like this!" This is Master Zhang's hardcore supporter.

"Yes, this is a matter of principle. If it is not strictly dealt with, everyone will learn from it in the future. How can our Zhang family develop for personal emotions and personal self-interest?" This is the one who supports Zhang Hu.

"Mr. Zhang, it is already a serious dereliction of duty to misappropriate the company's assets to vent his personal anger and damage the company's interests. It is not suitable to be the director of the company. You can't protect him because he is your own son!" This is an external shareholder of the real estate company.

"Old man, for a little battle of spirit, in order to chase a woman, regardless of the safety of the family business and family members, it is difficult for people to convince his orders again! If he doesn't teach him a lesson, he is afraid that he will become more and healter in the future. This is the most capable people in the younger generation of the Zhang family.

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