Chapter 9: There are great meritorious deeds in both the worlds of yin and yang.

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Chapter 9: There are great meritorious deeds in both the worlds of yin and yang.

Cheng Qingyin knows nothing about these ghost tricks.

Of course, with her strength, the safety deployment of her parents has also been done well. Even if she knows it, she will not worry about it.

And Zhang Kun's actions were almost expected.

Knowing that Zhang Kun would definitely find a way to steal the photos and videos that served as a handle, Cheng Qingyin transferred the hackers previously found at the construction site to her side that night to protect her communication security.

The photos and videos in the mobile phone have also been backed up several times with a USB flash drive.

After receiving such a professional counterpart job, the hacker was overjoyed. As soon as he arrived at Cheng Qingyin, she got into the mobile phone and wholeheartedly built a super firewall for her mobile phone.

As soon as he found someone hacking into her mobile phone, he fought a beautiful defensive battle.

The invading hacker returned in vain and never came again.

That afternoon, the Blue Hairy Ghost came happily to tell her that the Cheng family's house had been completed and asked her to go for acceptance.

"The greening and the floor tiles in the community have also been finished?"

"Of course! How dare you call the master before you finish it? Master, go and have a look. If you are not satisfied, we can change it right away!"

The blue-haired ghost rubbed his hands and looked at Cheng Qingyin with an expectant face.

This eager look of offering treasures, where does it make her point out the shortcomings? Obviously, it's asking for praise.

This made Cheng Qingyin really can't bear to refuse.

Although they wanted to work, they really helped her build so many houses for free. They don't want anything else, so their approval and gratitude after finishing their work should not be missing.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look now."

Driving a car, one person and one ghost quickly came outside the construction site.

As soon as he got out of the car, the blue-haired ghost shouted at it:

"Workers, the master is coming! Get ready!"

"What are you going to prepare?" Cheng Qingyin asked curiously.

Blue-haired ghost smiled and said:

"You'll know when you go in and see it later!"

It's still playing with mystery.

These ordinary ghosts who slip out of hell are not much different from people.

Cheng Qingyin felt a little novel and walked in according to his wishes.

As soon as she walked in, she saw dozens of ghosts floating in the air, tearing away the dust filters of several upstairs at the same time. Six towering high-rise buildings suddenly appeared in front of her. The appearance between blue and pale white, like a castle-style spire, looked extremely beautiful in the afterglow of the sunset.

The empty roads between the houses that were originally messy cement sand and construction garbage also became clean, covered with light yellow bricks as a passage, and on both sides of the passage were neatly planted flowers and trees and green lawns.

This is completely different from the previous appearance of filter smoky miasma.

"You are really awesome. In just a few days, you have built this community so beautifully!" She exclaimed sincerely.

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