Chapter 86: The news can't be hidden!

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Chapter 86: The news can't be hidden!

Hundreds of fierce ghosts were out of control, and the Taoist priests of Qi Yunguan did not dare to stay longer in the voyage city for a moment and fled back to the general view in a hurry.

Knowing what had happened in the Hangcheng from their mouths, Jin Hongzi's legs were weak in shock, fell heavily in the chair, muttering:

"Who the hell is this and why is there such terrible strength!"

Some three generations of disciples who don't know the thickness of heaven and earth came to their senses from panic and wanted to find a scene.

"Master, the man surnamed Cheng is really unattended. We immediately reported it to the ancestors, let them go out of the customs, and lead us to take revenge!"

"Yes, with ancestors here, she will definitely waste the woman's skills and make her unable to survive!"

Many third-generation disciples and even second-generation disciples agree with this proposal.

"Stop up!" Jin Hongzi shouted loudly. He looked at the crowd seriously and said firmly, "No one is allowed to disturb the two ancestors!" If there is any violation of the order, you will be punished as a traitor!"

Everyone was very unconvinced.

Fearing that there would be trouble, Jin Hongzi simply explained it more thoroughly:

"The power of Cheng Qingyin may be at the same level as the ancestor, and may even be stronger. Now that the ancestors are at a critical moment of promotion, it is absolutely not appropriate to disturb. When they are successful in promotion and our combat strength is stronger, it is not too late to take revenge. We must not lose the big because of the small!"

Hearing this, the people calmed down.

But Jin Hongzi would not expect that this would be the most wrong decision he had ever made in his life.

Instead of choosing to get rid of Cheng Qingyin when she was still weak, he gave Cheng Qingyin time to grow up, which was really a trouble to raise a tiger.

In the dead of night, the Yucheng Xizhao Mountain Cemetery began to be lively.

The ghosts hiding here usually dare not come out of the tomb during the day and start to move at night. They hustle and bustled near the cemetery, sturbuled around the door, and went to the mountains to harasss flowers, plants and animals to kill boring time.

Of course, some ghosts will run to the city at night to play. Although they can't touch anything, they can only have a look and enjoy it, which is much better than staring at the cemetery and other ghosts.

However, it is also very risky to go to the city, that is, to meet a celestial master. But sometimes boredom is more terrible than the celestial master, and there are always some adventurous ghosts who will take advantage of the evening to wander around those places where there are people.

Yang Jian is one of these ghosts. He was a programmer during his lifetime. After his death, he sometimes chose to go back to the company to see him and watch his colleagues work overtime enviously.

But that night, he met an unusual thing.

He saw an old man in his sixties floating in the office where his colleagues were working overtime, staring at the screen of a male colleague.

"Oh, uncle, what are you looking at? Is that your son?"

Anyway, it was boring, so he tried to chat with the uncle, but he knew that he got an amazing news.

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